Looking For Practice Role Play


New Member
Hi. ...I think I can post this here. Yeah?

I'm looking for a more informal role play that I can use to practice. I have a decent amount of RPing practice (About four years), but I've been out of the game for just about two years. I'm interested in all kinds of role plays, and I am going to be online fairly often. At least for a couple hours every day.

A Few Notes...

have absolutely no experience doing romance role plays, and I am very bad at writing romance of any kind.

When I was into role playing before... I was pathologically shy, and so were all my characters. I might still habitually create antisocial characters. I'll try not to, but it might sneak out every once in a while.

Since I have a decent amount of RP experience (or, at least I think it's decent...) I wouldn't mind brainstorming an RP idea if whoever is interested has half an idea formed.

-Nothing else comes to mind right now... I guess I could update this as they come to mind.

Anyway, PM me or reply to this if you're interested in recruiting me.

Or, y'know, telling me that I posted this in the totally wrong spot, or whatever.
Hi, I'm new here as well, but have about 5 years experience prior.

You can rp with me if you like. To be truthful, I don't do much romance rps either so we can totally skip out on that option. :I

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