Looking for Pokemon Rp


Ice Queen
I've really been in the mood to roleplay some pokemon. (non-canon) I don't have a plot line or anything so I'm looking to join one or if someone has an idea, I'm willing to try anything :)
I have a Pokemon-Human Hybrid character you could role play with. I just don't know what you'd want to do with him - no pervertedness intended haha
I would like to RP with you! I'm new to this site so I don't know if I can make the RP per say but I can generate random ideas that we can play with. Do you have in mind a classic pokemon adventure or would you try something new?
I can do an rp with all of you ^.^ Unless you guys would like the idea of just doing one bigger rp to involve more people. Didn't think I'd catch a lot of people's attention.
Let's do a group role play. I'm just wondering whether I should create a new pokemon character or stick with my pokemon-human hybrid character.
If we do a traditional kind of pokemon rp, are we going to use one of the canon pokemon regions or a region of our own? And are we sticking to a standard "collect all gym badges" plot or are we making up our own story?
Ch3rryBlossom28 said:
Well we can stick to the canon pokemon regions but we can make up our own story.
Same here. Are we going to have a specific kind of story or is a a free plot where we can all add in ideas as the rp goes along?
I don't know because if we do that we basically decide the way everybody's story ends which I personally am not the biggest fan of.
Well i don't know what to make the story be >.< I just want to ask are you guys ok with a darker version of pokemon? Where the pokemon can die instead of faint? An humans can get hurt?
Yeah that seems okay with me. But I think we should make that RP player decides wether or not the die :)
Sure. But how about dying instead of fainting they die if attacked after fainting. That way we don't have to have undefeated streaks.
Just put what you want your character's end goal to be so every character can have a unique story.

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