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Looking for players for two games of mine (Rifts and Robotech)

The group has been hired by an elder dragon to go to the Isle of Atlantis and bring back four escaped prisoners from the slave pens of the evil Splurgoth; hateful monsters that have their tentacles wrapped around the place. The Splurgoth are also masters of trans-dimensional travel, and have an empire spanning many worlds across the megaverse.

The group has lost their ride back to North America and is now locked in battle with some of the minions of the Splurgoth, trying to escape by stealing a ship from a navy base so they can get back to the dragon and collect their reward.

Due to the trans-dimensional nature of the game, you could literally play a character from just about any setting you want that I have books for. Modern day superhero, flying about the place with your mutant powers? No problem. Ancient sorcerer from the far past that has mystic powers and items? Done. A hover tank pilot from Robotech, complete with your tank? Easy. Some really weird alien from another dimension that is out for a buck? That works.

All that I do require is that you are a good alignment so the group won't refuse to let you into the mix.
I can set them up on my Dropbox account. There are a lot of books, so right now I'd just stick to a few setting books and the core book. Remind me again which email is yours in a PM and I'll set it up.
Got it. It might take a little bit for all the books to be uploaded, but the file is there. I have more that I can send your way, but my Dropbox is nearly full, so I'd have to take some files down and replace them with what you don't have yet.
Focus on the Rifts file. That has the core book in it.
Look for the Rifts Ultimate Edition. That is the core book.
I have a prospective player that is writing up a Minotaur Cyber Knight, so Palladium Fantasy is fine.

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