Looking for permanent/long term partner


New Member
For starters, I am looking for someone to roleplay with. I'm an extremely literate writer, and prefer extremely long posts that go into depth, chock full of description. My only problem is that I prefer to play the female part, since I have gotten tired of playing a male (which was my dominant role normally). I enjoy some romance in my roleplays but I dislike having it be the focus of the plot. I prefer it to be part of it, but not the full of it.

I am open to all sorts of ideas, and love exploring genres that I haven't tampered in.

I'm very familiar with urban roleplays, school settings, medieval, and otherworldly styles. I do enjoy horror base with a hunter and the hunted, and I love playing the role of a psychotic killer, or even a stalker (yes I have a weird power complex, don't judge me > B| )

So come one, come all!

Ps: I don't mind if you're a female playing a male (:
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I'm in the mood for anything at all my dear. I've been starved of a good roleplay. It's quite sad ):
I love writing long post with detail. ;3 I have an idea I have been trying to get off the ground for a little bit now. I have my first paragraph written out if you want to kind of "test the waters". The only problem is my part is the girl. I will play male parts if you want to do something different. If you are interested pm me. :)
cookiepirate said:
I love writing long post with detail. ;3 I have an idea I have been trying to get off the ground for a little bit now. I have my first paragraph written out if you want to kind of "test the waters". The only problem is my part is the girl. I will play male parts if you want to do something different. If you are interested pm me. :)
I'm always interested dear ;D

If you need a male partner, and are willing to do roleplays, we can have yours in which I play the male, and mine in which you play the male :D
I would love to roleplay, I'm looking for someone I can really get into a roleplay with. Send me a message, and maybe we can talk things over?
Please do get in contact with me.

Like I said come one come all

I even willing to do female x female o:
:D Did someone say yuri? <3 I'm prone to writing immensely detailed posts too, so you sound great to me~ I work a toooon, but I can promise at least one reply a day, usually more if we're in similarish time zones. What are some genres you've been into lately? I'm on a fandom streak, so I'm currently into a lot of Potter RPs, although I'd also be down for some Tolkien. I'm also generally down for fantasy in general, as well as superhero/gifted (which could be an X-Men fandom, or not), as well as some other less popular genres. Thoughts? c:

edit: I seem to have spaced and skipped over your genres paragraph. Silly me. I'm not too into horror, but gifted/superhero in a school setting is always fun! I'd also be interested in seeing your idea you've been working on. And you having a power thing is A-okay with me. I have a weird power thing, but usually in reverse. c; What do you mean by otherworldly?
Vega said:
:D Did someone say yuri? <3 I'm prone to writing immensely detailed posts too, so you sound great to me~ I work a toooon, but I can promise at least one reply a day, usually more if we're in similarish time zones. What are some genres you've been into lately? I'm on a fandom streak, so I'm currently into a lot of Potter RPs, although I'd also be down for some Tolkien. I'm also generally down for fantasy in general, as well as superhero/gifted (which could be an X-Men fandom, or not), as well as some other less popular genres. Thoughts? c:
edit: I seem to have spaced and skipped over your genres paragraph. Silly me. I'm not too into horror, but gifted/superhero in a school setting is always fun! I'd also be interested in seeing your idea you've been working on. And you having a power thing is A-okay with me. I have a weird power thing, but usually in reverse. c; What do you mean by otherworldly?
Oh honey, you make yourself more and more appealing by the second. I'm always dtf for yuri since it is so rare to see nowadays. I am not up to play with most fandoms, however I am more than interested in special abilities. I enjoy characters with psychic abilities whether it be from clairvoyance to manifesting it such as the force in Star Wars. If you would like to work something out then please let me know!
ElliasGee said:
Oh honey, you make yourself more and more appealing by the second. I'm always dtf for yuri since it is so rare to see nowadays. I am not up to play with most fandoms, however I am more than interested in special abilities. I enjoy characters with psychic abilities whether it be from clairvoyance to manifesting it such as the force in Star Wars. If you would like to work something out then please let me know!
:3 I saw this and would like to discuss with you on some things :D my gee - gives gee bosom hug-
[QUOTE="Afro_Nation]:3 I saw this and would like to discuss with you on some things :D my gee - gives gee bosom hug-

Bossom hugs for Afro :D

And yes, I'm down for that my dear.

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