Looking for people who wish to go to Magica


Hello I'm looking for more people to join in my Magica rp. If interested then post a comment

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[QUOTE="One Hell of a Ciel]Not sure what Magica is but yeah :L

I would also like to enroll in your roleplay, if that's OK :L
Name: pbtenchi

Gender: male

Personality: pbtenchi is an energetic guy, who has a strange personality, if you mention his lack of magic he becomes depressed, he values his friends and family above all else, even his life. he always keeps a large supply of sugar and sweets, and its hard to get him to eat anything without sugar, which he feels he needs for his brain to function, he has a hangover the second he even touches alcohol. when in a tough spot where he cant joke he turns analytical and goes for cold logic rather then human kindness. He is smart and a genius in strategy, yet a complete idiot at the same time,

Short Bio::

pbtenchi is, by normal opinion pbtenchi is a horrible wizard, due to something called red flux that is produced in his body he is completely incapable of using magic, but despite this his knowledge of magic is rivalled by none, he is from an old and respected family of wizards, with a purpose, each generation of his family is selective breeded in an attempt to create an ultimate wizard, a sorcerer. From when he learned to talk he was taught about magic from the textbook. The reason he produces red flux is one of the most random events to ever take place. their was a meteor shower, pbtenchi was out looking at the meteor showers, and by a 1 out of who knows how high chance, he was hit dead in the left eye by a very peculiar meteor, he survived the impact, but found that the meteor (which had replaced his eye) could not be removed by any means without taking his head off, maybe he was chosen by fate. Pbtenchi's family had no idea that it was the meteor which disabled his magic, so they decided he had to learn more and keep practising and thus sent him to the most extinguished school of magic in existence, so rich was its knowledge and power over magic that the school had to be built in a separate dimension, known as the Aether a sky dimension of sorts. it was here that it was discovered that the meteor was a philosophers stone an item of such power that it could change the face of the earth if used properly, it was thought they had all been lost to time but it seems one survived. the philosophers stone produced an infinite source of magic similar to a sorcerer but as a cost it produced red flux inside his body. He created a nest of books and magical implements in a room no one used and spent his time experimenting in attempts to let himself use magic. some very odd things were born from his experiments, tools and creatures alike, which he found he could use be artificially suck the magic from his body, this how ever causes the red flux to heat up and make his body start to burn up
Appearance: blond hair, 3d glasses, green shirt, black trousers, black shoes

Powers: well he's essentially an infinite mana battery due to the philosophers stone


some very odd things were born from his experiments, tools and creatures alike, which he found he could use by artificially sucking the magic from his body, this how ever causes the red flux to heat up and make his body start to burn up

he uses a magic scroll to store his creations, they list as followed, and yes, he has a lot

chains of fate: these magic red chains stretch from no where but restrain the movement of all around and block out most abilities, side effect is they restrict ally's too-flux burn out- high

captain hook- a mechanical pirate with a hook for one hand, he has the power to run across water- flux burnout- mild

candle of life- despite its name its actually a ring that allows the user to select a target, a candle then proceeds to appear on the users head, as the candle slowly melts down so does the target, but if the ring is broke, the user melts down instead -flux burnout- mild

zombie coffin: this monstrous box with reaching arms. it try's to swallow people at Pbtenchi's command, if the box opens it displays the viewers worst fear- flux burn out- medium

mad hatter-what appears to be a gentlemen in a mask is really a deadly fighting machine, capable of driving people around him mad, and creating illusions, he is a bit free lance and doesn't always listen to pbtenchi-burnout- medium

mad hat- a monstrous top hat with teeth and eyes, if you wear it you can change appearance- flux burnout- okay

glass slippers- a pair of beautiful slippers that makes those who gaze upon them desire to wear them, however, they tighten at Pbtenchi's command to the point of cutting of the wearers feet, however, they cant inflict vital damage-flux burnout-very low

the march hare- a large rabbit that specialises in fist fights- flux burnout- decent

the red queen- a giant doll in a red dress that produces strange card knights that serve pbtenchi with undying loyalty, but will listen to the queen before pbtenchi. the queen never speaks but has a sadistic personality-flux burnout- high

sand carpet- rather then an actual material existence, sand carpet exists as a force and gathers sand and dust to create a thin but study carpet capable of flight with up to 6 passengers- flux burnout cost- depends on number of people

Cheshire cat, a giant cat that's capable of bends space around it, it has razor sharp teeth and claws that can cut through steel like butter, it is capable of floating around, has a confusing personality, does the opposite of pbtenchi's commands- flux burnout- high

you-do-doll, a doll that absorbs attacks and them back at the attacker, how ever it disintegrates after use and regenerates the next day- flux burnout- low

Excalibur, a strange sword, capable of cutting through anything like butter, rather heavy, it speaks for itself, literally, it can talk, it knows everything, but will only answer one question a day and does not always answer and wont answer about matters of fate, but it always speech's the truth- flux burnout- low

snow white- a ring that lowers the users body temperature to absolute 0 and allows them to control themselves in a state of undeath, anything near the user is frozen solid- flux burnout- high, but doesn't take affect until after

Pinocchio, a 4 armed human sized wooden puppet that answers every question its asked with a lie, every lie it says makes its nose longer, after 5 lies its nose turns into a cannon and fires, then reverts, its body is made of weapons- flux burnout- high

shovel- a living golden shovel capable of controlling earth and stone, it has a strong sense of friendship but a cowardly nature

runic chalk- a rainbow coloured chalk that changes writing colour at the wielders command, depending on the colour the chalk has different effects, red the chalk explodes when agitated, blue the chalk teleports who ever stands on it to another blue rune within 80 feat, green, releases a toxic gas on contact that makes the inhaler nauseous and pass out after 5 minutes, black, stepping on the chalk creates a pit trap, white on contact a mysterious wall of light is formed, orange on contact the chalk combusts, purple on contact forms a dark miasma which restrict sight- flux burnout- surprisingly low

gorgons eye- a gate that rises from the ground behind pbtenchi, it opens to reveal a large eye, if you make direct contact with it, it will gradually turn you to stone, whilst the gate is open pbtenchi cant move, the eye is neutral in personality and likes looking around- flux burnout- high

wall of fate- a mysterious maze that continually reconstructs itself to trap those inside, the walls move aside if you say please

Sparta cookie- pbtenchi's personal favourite weapon, a cookie that multiplies physical impact 12 fold, sending what ever it hits flying backwards, despite being of delicate nature it can cut through steel- flux burnout- very low

escape hammer- a giant wooden mallet that temporarily knocks the person its hit with out, how ever it only works when trying to escape for some reason- flux burnout- low

luxury home- a house that cleans and moves around to suit is guests, useful for camping out in-flux burnout- surprisingly low

chibi doppelgangers- mini versions of pbtenchi about 1 meter tall, all have the same chibi expression, they multiple depending on how much magic pbtenchi gives them, they have brilliant team work, and puff in smoke rather then dying, they never speak but have absolute loyalty to pbtenchi, they share a hive mind of sorts- flux burnout- varies

pbtenchi's super secret weapon of destruction- this thing is evil, it can bring kingdoms to its knees, make people want to die, and destroy life as we know it, but its trapped in the body of the cutest thing you have ever seen, it fly's by using its ears as wings, its stomach is a black hole that destroys what ever is trapped inside, if you hit it, it cry's and throws a temper tantrum, and then proceeds to start breaking things with super human strength, its appetite knows no bounds, but despite all its evil, it listens to pbtenchi in exchange for sweets. it can shoot energy beams from its mouth. -flux burnout- dangerously high
Class(can be any class, even made up): mage failure

Race: specially breed human

Who's side are you on?(good or evil): good guy :)

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