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Fantasy looking for partners!


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
im looking for rp partners!! if you're interested, my discord is; axx3dd. (discord is a must have!! I don't use any other apps.)

I revolve my characters around criminal based occupations (ex: detectives, assassins, criminals, ect) and creatures! (vampires, demons, ect)
All of my OC's are queer, so I ask that you are not to be trans/homophobic and racist- for you will be blocked.
While I already have lore planned out, I will accept any/everything new! though crime based themes are my best suit.
I'm a minor!! so please nobody over the age of 15-16.
Pls do not be dry!!! have a sense of humor!!!
Be decent at rp!! I cannot handle people who are too unrealistic or make their characters op. Use basic rp criteria! Like using quotation marks for what your OC is saying, punctuation marks, and good grammar!!! (unintentional misspelling is fine, though please know the deference between your/you're, their/there/they're/ then/than, ect)
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