Looking for Partners


₮ⱧɆ ₥Ɏ₮Ⱨ, ₮ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₲Ɇ₦Đ, ₮ⱧɆ ₣₳฿ⱠɆ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Seeking Long-Term Partner(s)

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Hello there![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I’m seeking some long-term casual RP partners who are active and willing to post at least once a day.  I’m pretty open to various types of RPs, but there are a select few I’m not really interested in.  The information below is just to provide a general idea of what I am interested in.  Unless I specifically mention a dislike, I’m pretty open to listen to your plots, ideas, custom races, etc.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Anything in bold is what I prefer.[/SIZE]


█ ▌Ideal Partner(ship)


█ ▌RP Interests

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Posts at least once per day.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Posts are at least one paragraph long.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Characters have some development.[/SIZE]

█ ▌My Preferences

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I prefer to use female characters, but I will RP with male characters as well; usually as an exchange where we each have character for each gender.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I do not really do instant-love RPs unless there is a good backstory behind it.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I don’t do mature RPs (erotica).[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I always love a romance aspect in the RPs.  I’m a fan of drama, what can I say. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]You grammar and spelling don’t have to be perfect.  I make mistakes all the time, you’ll make mistakes because everyone does.  As long as the general idea can be understood from your post, I’m fine.[/SIZE]

█ ▌Races/Species

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fae[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Vampire[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Demon[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Human[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Elf[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Celestial[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Dragon[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Shifter[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Kitsune[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Mythological Deities[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Norse[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I’m fairly open, but not studious on the subjects.[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I’m open to seeing your custom race/species.[/SIZE]


█ ▌Pairings - Race

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fae/Fae[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fae/Vampire[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Vampire/Vampire[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Vampire/Human[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Celestial/Human[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Celestial/Demon[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Celestial/Fae[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Celestial/Elf[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Shifter/Shifter[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Dragon/Shifter[/SIZE]



  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Fantasy[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Modern[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Sci-fi[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Futuristic[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Romance[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Slice of Life[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Action[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Adventure[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Mystery[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Comedy[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Drama[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Inuyasha[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]True Blood[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Sailor Moon[/SIZE]

█ ▌RP Dislikes

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Horror[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Mental Illness[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Sonic the Hedgehog[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Creepypasta[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Furry Fandom[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I am not against Anthro, just excessive furry characters.[/SIZE]


█ ▌Fandom Pairings

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Inuyasha[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]OC/OC[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]True Blood[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]OC[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]/Eric Northman[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]OC/OC[/SIZE]


█ ▌Plot(s)

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]These are just some general plots that can be expanded upon with discussion.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]Genres; Fantasy, Romance[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Every century a festival is held and a "sacrifice" selected to be offered to the God. They aren't sure what exactly happens to sacrifice, only that tradition dictates it must be done to appease their deity or risk his wrath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The festival wasn't without its issues, but is successfully completed in the end, though that doesn't mean that trouble has gone with it. Something dark is lurking in the shadows that has been waiting for an opportunity to hurt the deity and should the deity become attached to his latest sacrifice, it could be used against him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]OC/[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Android [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]or Android/[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Android[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Genres; Sci-fi, Futuristic, Romance[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The technology to create androids exist but are illegal due to the human fear of artificial intelligence and threat to job security. However, that doesn't mean that none exist. A private company - with a government contract - have created sophisticated androids secretly for government use.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Some of the androids who become self-aware are terminated and their parts recycled. Though not all self-aware units are caught.[/SIZE]
Hello! I'm interested in doing a Romance 1x1 with you, if you're still looking for partners!
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If you are still looking for someone to RP with you then I would be interested. We can talk some ideas out to come up with a story we can both enjoy. I am pretty open to any sort of story so PM me if you would like.
Okay um....when I read your preferences I got giddy. I pretty much align 100% EXCEPT for your fandom list. My list, I guess, would be The Walking Dead, Lord of the Rings...ehhh...I'm not really into fandom and I have no experience with the ones you've listed.

Also, I'm way more into male characters, but can definitely swing females, so we are a good match there! I also do not write erotica, and I'm also about the fantasy life! I LOVE your plot idea for diety/sacrifice, and I am 100% into character building (that and good plots are what drive my rp experience). I'm not into forcing romance, and I LOVE juicy drama.

I think we'd be a great match. (Oooh, and I've been hankering to write Greek mythology dieties)! 

What do you think?
Okay um....when I read your preferences I got giddy. I pretty much align 100% EXCEPT for your fandom list. My list, I guess, would be The Walking Dead, Lord of the Rings...ehhh...I'm not really into fandom and I have no experience with the ones you've listed.

Also, I'm way more into male characters, but can definitely swing females, so we are a good match there! I also do not write erotica, and I'm also about the fantasy life! I LOVE your plot idea for diety/sacrifice, and I am 100% into character building (that and good plots are what drive my rp experience). I'm not into forcing romance, and I LOVE juicy drama.

I think we'd be a great match. (Oooh, and I've been hankering to write Greek mythology dieties)! 

What do you think?

 That's just a basic fandom list that came to my mind when typing this up.  I do like LOTR but it's been so long since I've read the books that I'm more familiar with the movies since I've had to watch them WAY too many times.  I do like zombies, but I'm kinda worn on on Walking Dead and I don't tend to do horror RPs.  I plan on updating the fandoms I listed on here eventually.  I just wanted to get this post out here in RP Land.

Feel free to send me a message to discuss starting up an RP. :D

Dude, I'll do anything that involves fae. Count me in for a far RP. I'm sure we could conjur up a plot.

Yaaassssssssssss, love fae and many don't cosinder fae RPs.

Side note: For some reason, I am not getting site notifications for forum replies.  It's frustrating because I didn't know anyone had replied until today when I checked because even yesterday the site didn't reflect replies.  I assume with their latest background "fix/update" is why I can see replies on here now. 
A lot of what you've said here is super interesting. I usually play female characters too, but I won't mind doubling :) I'd have loved to do Inuyasha with you actually but it's been about 7+ years since I watched it. However I'd love to explore some OC characters maybe.I'm also super intrigued by the fact you mentioned Greek and Norse deities. Have you by any chance read anything by Rick Riordan? It might be cool to explore something like that. I'd also be up for building a fantasy style romance RP with any of the pairings you mentioned :) If  you can fit in one more RP feel free to PM me!
I understand your list of preferences to find an ideal partner. To keep things short, and a little mysterious, would You like to take my hand, my lady? 
A lot of what you've said here is super interesting. I usually play female characters too, but I won't mind doubling :) I'd have loved to do Inuyasha with you actually but it's been about 7+ years since I watched it. However I'd love to explore some OC characters maybe.I'm also super intrigued by the fact you mentioned Greek and Norse deities. Have you by any chance read anything by Rick Riordan? It might be cool to explore something like that. I'd also be up for building a fantasy style romance RP with any of the pairings you mentioned :) If  you can fit in one more RP feel free to PM me!

I've not read any of Riordan's book.  I used to work in a bookstore, so believe me when I say I have a queue of books to read and it's on my list.  I know the general idea behind his books, but not the details.  I'm up for a fantasy RP brainstorm.

I understand your list of preferences to find an ideal partner. To keep things short, and a little mysterious, would You like to take my hand, my lady? 

I will take your hand, for now.  *eyebrow waggle*  Sorry, I can't help but be weird since this is a unique proposal.
I am sooo interested in roleplaying with you! Been oncthe hunt for someone to do some fantasy stuff with for a while now
The mention of Mythological Deities sparked my interest. Demigod characters would make for a real interesting RP, even more so if the Deity/Sacrifice plot was implemented. Doesn't have to be completely restricted to Demigod characters, but I'm wanting to play at least one Demigod character.

So, more of a fantasy set RP.
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The mention of Mythological Deities sparked my interest. Demigod characters would make for a real interesting RP, even more so if the Deity/Sacrifice plot was implemented. Doesn't have to be completely restricted to Demigod characters, but I'm wanting to play at least one Demigod character.

So, more of a fantasy set RP.

Hmm, I'm trying to think of how a demigod would fit into my deity/sacrifice plot.  My brain is a bit tired from lack of sleep and it sputtering nonsense ideas that I am not even going to type out, lol.
I love fantasy, romance, and drama, so I'd definitely be interested in rping with you.

*eyebrow waggle* Well then.  Shall we discuss?

I am sooo interested in roleplaying with you! Been oncthe hunt for someone to do some fantasy stuff with for a while now

Okay, firstly, capital icon/username.  Secondly, you happen to have plot ideas?  My brain doesn't function well this late, lol.
I've not read any of Riordan's book.  I used to work in a bookstore, so believe me when I say I have a queue of books to read and it's on my list.  I know the general idea behind his books, but not the details.  I'm up for a fantasy RP brainstorm.

I will take your hand, for now.  *eyebrow waggle*  Sorry, I can't help but be weird since this is a unique proposal.

Fantastic! Shoot me a PM!
Well, Hello. I'm intersted in roleplaying with you. ^.^ So please do PM if you recieve this message. I think we can do an amazing RP. 
*eyebrow waggle* Well then.  Shall we discuss?

Okay, firstly, capital icon/username.  Secondly, you happen to have plot ideas?  My brain doesn't function well this late, lol.

No plot ideas but i'm sure i can think of something!

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