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Looking for partners!


Why have abs when you can have kebabs
Hey, I'm Shinohara but just call me Shin or something. As the title suggests I'm looking for 1-on-1 partners.

I'm not the best writer so my post length can vary from a few sentences up to a few paragraphs (Rarely more than one). I live in Finland which means I am in GMT +2 (+3 in the summer) and go to Lukio/Gymnasium (Between Highschool and college)

I have mostly played male characters but can try to play a female (Can't promise anything though) and I do only MxF as MxM and FxF just aren't to my taste. I love a good romance story and would like to RP for longer times.

My pairings.

x Civilian

Soldier x Soldier

Childhood friends

Shy boy x Pushy girl

Shy girl x Pushy boy

Angel x Human

Demon x Human

Angel x Demon

Someone with special powers x Human

Socially withdrawn and/or Depressed x Class mate/Co-Worker(Or doctor) (Really looking for someone to do this with)


Class mates

Teacher x Student

Foreigner x Local

Deaf x Hearing

Blind x Seeing

Robot x Human ( I am currently looking for someone to do this pairing. )

Addict x Someone who wants to help

*Insert idea for me to check*

Those which are in bold are roles I'd like to play.

Pairings with an underline are pairings I'd like to do the most.

I have two plots in mind.

. A modern country makes a dimensional gate which lets them go to a parallel universe. The country sends in a military group to explore the land on the other side. The dimension is like a fantasy world with Elves, Dragons and Magic. The modern soldiers try to establish peace with the locals but the language and cultural differences come in the way.

2. An alternate history where WW2 ended in Axis taking over the British islands and the Russian counter-offensive failed. US never successfully invaded Japan because of German battleships assaulting the eastern and southern cost. Yamato was never sunk and Mushashi, along with Shinano were completed, giving Japan control of the pacific ocean. Japan took over China and eastern parts of Russia, along with Indonesia and Australia. The story is set in one of the Axis countries (or an ally of the Axis powers.) The theme would be military and romance.
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I would be interested in any of these pairings. :)
Shinohara said:
I have one plot in mind.

A modern country makes a dimensional gate which lets them go to a parallel universe. The country sends in a military group to explore the land on the other side. The dimension is like a fantasy world with Elves, Dragons and Magic. The modern soldiers try to establish peace with the locals but the language and cultural differences come in the way.
GATE on Crunchyroll!

Not sure but maybe

I'm intersted in Shy girl x Pushy boy or Teacher x Student. Message me if you're still up for that
Soldier x Civilian


Shy girl x Pushy boy

Demon x Human

Socially withdrawn x Class mate/Co-Worker


Class mates

Teacher x Student

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