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Looking for Partners


New Member
Introduction: Hey guys! My name is Newton, and I'm one of the new guys here on RPN. So far, I'm enjoying the site right now, and I'm loving most of RPs on this site as well, but right now, i'm looking for some partners to roleplay with me. :)

OC: Well right now, I only have one OC, and he's pretty strange and Odd. My OC's name is Newton (Same name like me.) He is a young boy who wears blue glasses, a light green-striped shirt, dark green shorts, and blue sandals. He's very smart as well, but kinda shy, and he has Orange hair. And now for the Odd part of him, even though he's very smart at things, he also have a body part that he's curious about, and that's his bellybutton. He is curious about his bellybutton because his parents, friends, teachers, and his counselors never explained to him, they all just ignored him. And even though he's curious about his bellybutton, he also wants someone, or something, to examine/inspect it for him. So, that's the only OC that I have.

Interests: Right now, i'm interested at everything :)

So, if you are interested in Roleplaying with me, then either comment/PM me, Thank you and have a nice day :)
Newton456 said:
Well, he's curious about his bellybutton, so do you have any ideas that's going to do with it?
I'm ot too sure. Perhaps he goes to the doctors or something?

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