Looking for partners (Small group RP)


New Member
I tried making this in the Roleplay Section. But it came up with problems regarding the format so I'm moving it here.

Dirty Little Secrets

The Plot:

You have been accepted into St. Luke's University, the university of your dreams. You're taking your chosen course. Seems like a sweet life, right?

The problem is, the school is catered to those who came from wealthy families. Though you are here on a scholarship , it only covers your tuition fee and books. You still have your dorm or apartment and various pricey projects and assignments to pay. Don't forget that you need to clothe and feed yourself too. And you know a job at McDonald's won't cover those expenses.

You're next step? Take a risky but high paying job. And pray the strict school administration won't find out. Or you'll face expulsion.


It's a small group (4 members) m/f roleplay.

1. Girl 1 (Taken by me)

2. Girl 2 (Taken by MythsAreRealLoveGem)

3. Boy 1 (Taken by Strawberry Jam)

4. Boy 2

How to sign up? Post the character that you want, I'll give you the corresponding plot, make a character using the Profile Skeleton and PM it to me. Let's see if our characters would work well together.

Profile Skeleton

Name: (Preferably not Japanese names)

Age: (18+)


Club/Extracurricular Activities:

What the school sees: (Your school persona)

When I'm living young and free: (Your "real" self)

What my jobs makes me: (Optional, if you created an alter ego for the job)

Brief Bio:

Image: (Anime pics only please)

Rules! Who needs them?

Of course, we do!

1. Follow RpNation's Rules and Regulations

2. PG 13 please. I don't mind swearing. But fade to black on the other issue, please.

3. No one liners. No text speak. No posting like: *pouts*

4. Please post at least one paragraph.

But don't also post 5 paragraphs describing the rock that tripped you and how it made you remember your shitty childhood. You know what I mean.

5. Be active.

I don't expect replies right after a post. Posting at least once a day is preferred. Every other day is acceptable too.

6. Don't disappear.

If you're getting bored, please tell me. If you don't want to continue, please tell me. I don't care if it's just you telling me, "Bye bye". Just tell me.

<3 <3 <3
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Hello! I'd like to join but before that, I have a question. Is there any difference between the roles of 'Boy 1' and 'Boy 2'?
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[QUOTE="Strawberry Jam]Hello! I'd like to join but before that, I have a question. Is there any difference between the roles of 'Boy 1' and 'Boy 2'?

No difference at all. They'll just work together. :)  

DeeDiebS said:
I may be interested
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Pm-ing you and Strawberry 

[QUOTE="Aidan-]I want to reserve a Boy roll

Someone has expressed interest in the boy role first. I'll notify you if they drop it. :)

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