Looking for Partners (Forever Open!)

I'm always up for Master/Pet or Master/Slave (as long as I'm not the master, that never works).

I won't always be able to reply immediately, but I don't like slow replies either so if you'd like to rp with me I promise I'll reply as soon as I can for each post.

I'm happy to be male or female, that doesn't bother me.

PM me if you're interested xD
So how much will one go through to get the thing he or she wants...what if I told you that I'm just typing what comes to my mind right now as I type this and now hit submit?
If you're feeling up to it, I think it'd be fun to do an Alien x Human thing. I'd prefer human if that isn't too much trouble? I'm flexible though, if you'd rather be the human.
Hm. I never played alien before but I think I could do it. Would you be bothered by what kind of alien I make and that?

Also do you have anything in mind?
Lol sure though at the moment I think I only had one plot so do you want to PM and throw around some ideas? Unless you have your own. Then that would be cool ^^
Um. I can try. I was thinking about one not too long ago. Um would you like to take this to PM or just keep talking here?

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