Looking for Partners (Forever Open!)


Queen of being Bored

I am not new to Roleplaying. I have been roleplaying since 2009. I can right a good fair and decent amount. Not looking for people who can write like 6 paragraphs just because but looking for people who can right half to a paragraph or more. (I understand its the whole inspiration thing so that is totally fine by me.)

Want from partner:

• I like to play females. They are my best as a main character. So someone who could play male would be awesome.

• Play more than one character. (Want side characters)

• I do play male as side characters.

• At the moment I would prefer 1x1 RPs. I'm just not in the mood to do more than one person RP.

• I would like someone that is semi-lit. (Capitalize and punctuate. I don't think thats very hard at all. I'm not best at grammar and spelling I make mistakes and I use spell check. As long as its readable/understandable I'm okay.)

• I really like to do some fantasy/fiction/ science fiction/supernatural (not the show/book/series) themes.

• I do NOT do realistic RPs. (Reasoning is because I have tried and they ALL turn out boring and uninteresting.)

• I don't normally do fandoms either but it would really depend on the RP plot and type.

• I like to combine themes. (Because, how is that not awesome? So if you want to do one that is realistic for example like school, I'll throw in some demons and make it supernatural as well. You get your school like and I get my way of not dying from boredom [sorry if that sounds really mean ><].)

• ACTIVE! Must be active at least one post a day.

• I don't like being ignored. Its a pet peeve if I send a message to you I expect a reply, most likely it will just be an added thing on the thread for OOC.

• If there is a problem and you can't reply for a while then let me know. I'm an understanding person.

• If I think you forgot about the RP or I fell your taking too long (days) to reply to the RP I will send you a message.

• I actually get fairly annoyed and bother by people who reply to other RPs but not the one they are doing with me. So...yeah...just letting you know ><'

• If there is quitting then I would like to know. Just disappearing is unfair and I can't reopen it unless I'm over 9000% sure you are not coming back.

• I need help with story development and ideas. I allow craziness but that doesn't mean there should be a random school bus that just drove underwater to the middle of no where and human kids ran out like they were on the surface. Okay? Everything has its limits and I would like it to at least make some kind of sense.

Okay so enough about that. Now to move on to some pairing. Bold means I'm craving. Italicized means I strongly want to play as.

Demon x Angel

Demon x human

Angel x human (I feel meh about this. I really can't find it interesting atm. Just thought I should add it)

Fallen Angel x human

Fallen Angel x Angel (Maybe like in a corruption thing?)

Werewolf x human (Have a plot for this but I don't mind others ^^)

Kidnapper x Kidnapped (I would probably I combine this with another theme)

Master x Pet (I've done this a few times but I always end up the master and my pet isn't fun T.T)

Master x Slave (What can I say, its always fun xD )

Predator x Prey (I thought this would be interesting. I have some that are kind of mixed in with this but I want to know if there are others xD )

Merman x human (I have one for this but I'm still open to ideas)

Alien x human (Depending on the plot I'll play either or. Have a few for this)

~I'm open to other pairings that might not be up here ^^

I'm sure there are more but I can't seem to think about them right now. So just to add on.

I always think its interesting if our characters don't exactly see eye to eye for whatever reason. My females will tend to be rebellious when they have to. I like a slow process of romance. Its always fun when it doesn't even seem possible and yet there might be just a hint of it.

So if anyone is interested message me or post here. I'm usually, almost, always online except for when I have classes or my friend comes over.


Also kind of looking forward to using this one character say well so if you want to just do an RP with them then thats fine we could make something up or just randomly start at some place.

Name: Blair "Black Blur Blair"

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/826383#full (with a trench coat)

Role: Racer/Technological genius

Bio: Blair has grown up on the streets and could care less about the myth of anything really. She loves to race and have fun but she doesn't like to take cr@p from no one. She is good at controlling a few people but doesn't really like people or really much care for them unless they are kids. She especially cares about them if they are on the streets. She works on her own rides with things she finds laying around. And will talk to the kids sometimes. She can be cold at times but she's actually really warm toward the kids, her creations, and her racing friends. Blair got the nickname "Black Blur Blair" because once the race starts most racers only see a black blur of her vehicle before not being able to see her at night.Powers/Weapons: She's pretty good at avoid conflict but when she does have to fight she tends to fight with her hands and legs. She has a sword but not a sword that she likes to use on people. It is mostly used on robots working for people. She has an interesting ability of disappearing. Blair believes that pepper spray works just fine on people.

Extra: Blair likes to sing especially while she works. She'll sing with her music if it has words if not she will just hum the tune. She only does that when she is completely relaxed or at ease. She likes chocolate as well, and animals. Likes to listen to dupstep and epic bass music. One of her most prized creations is Blaze. A red and black female security, attack and defend, robot that she developed. It has some understanding of humans but not completely. The robot is very good at calculating and giving advice when Blair needs an opinion. It is also capable of a bit of flight but it is imperfect and still needs to be worked on.

Blaze: http://www.zerochan.net/1022478
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Hia! ^.^

I'm willing to do the following with you:

Demon x human (I feel like this one could be pretty interesting)

Fallen Angel x human

Fallen Angel x Angel

Werewolf x human
(You said you wanted this one really bad so why not!?)

Master x Slave

Predator x Prey
Hello ^^

Lol so any in particular?

I don't like picking cause I feel like I end up picking one you might not like ^^'
You playing male is fine by me cause I prefer female.

But I meant what kind of characters. Like good, bad/ evil, adventures or...I don't know someway to narrow down the search?

Lol how about I PM you some plot ideas?
Hey there! I've just returned to this site, so I'm looking to start a good RP. I try to do at least 3 Paragraphs, but on bad days sometimes I end up doing even one... Still learning how to turn a small action, Such as immediately responding to someone into a larger paragraph. Anyway, would you be interested in a Vampire x Vampire Hunter, or something of the sort? When I say vampires however, I mean more old fashioned, not as glittery. If you've seen Hellsing you know the general type, though less... Demonic then that. Stuff like holy water and crosses hurts em. However, if you simply don't want to do something like that, I'm open to most things on your list.

Yes I am.

I have a pot idea for it but if you want something different then I'm up for it.

Want me to PM it to you?
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Hey if you still are open to another member I would like to put in my opinion. I have a great fantasy story for a masterXslave ^^. If you are interested just send me a pm.

Wow haven't seen you at all since TinierMe ^^

Good times huh?

How have you been?
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