Looking for Partners. {Always Open!}

Primadonna Princess

Full Time Princess
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Okay, so hello everyone. I am ShadowOfAGirl or you can call me Shadow as it's probably a lot easier.

Now, I'm new to this site so until I've figured out how the coding etc here works, this probably will look a little bit..scrubby and not very interesting, sorry.

To put it bluntly, I'm looking for some new 1x1's on this site. What do I want to do/am looking for? Well look below to find out.

~ I will play as female characters only. Yes. I know I have a male character also set up, that's just in case I really really need to play a male. But for now, I prefer females only.

~ I am literate, so I can write anywhere from 200 word to 2000 words per reply. I will match what you give me. But nothing under 200 words please.

~ I want to role-play through the forum if we can. Though I can move bits to a private conversation if needed.

~ I only like 1x1's please. No group role-plays..sorry!

~ I like darker themed role-plays. So..violence is a big yes for me. But no war themed RP's. I don't really like those.

~ Please don't randomly ditch the RP. If you have a problem..PM me! I will do the same.

~ I can write out plots, but love to come up with them with my partner if possible.

~ I will combine themes as there's nothing wrong with that. However, I don't want zombies, war or just boring humans please. I also do, do fandoms. Look below for ones I do.

~ Be active if you can! I'd like a reply at least every other day..not much to ask..right? I hope not anyway.

Now, here's what I like parings wise. Oh and yes, I do stuff based on books/films. I'll add them afters. Bold is what I'd prefer to play for the paring. If something isn't in bold, it means I will play either.

Master x Slave

x Kidnapped

Demon x Angel

Demon x Human

Human x Angel/Guardian Angel

Fallen Angel x Demon/Human.

Master x Pet

Teacher x Student

Prince x Servant/Maid.

Rich x Poor {Or any other parring like this. Such a shy x outgoing, Popular x Outcast. Anything like that works for me.}

King x Soon to be queen.

There is probably a lot more, so will add more as and when I think of them. But those are just the basics for now. Okay, so now look below for fandoms and some parings I do/know of for them. However, I will mix and match! Once again, the bold thing applies here as well.

~ Divergent ~

OC x Four/Tobais

Tris x Tobias/Four


OC x Erik

OC x Caleb

~Open to other parings as well~


Effy x Freddie

Effy x Cook

~No other parings for this, please~

~Shiver Triology ~

Sam x Grace

Sam x OC

Isabel x Cole

Cole x OC

Cole x Grace

Sam x Isabel

Sam x Shelby

~Also open to other parings~

Harry Potter

Draco x Hermione

Draco x OC

Draco x Luna


~Not interested in Harry/Ron in this~

Okay, so I'm having one of those moments where everything I've read/watched has gone from my mind. There is LOADS more that I'm missing out on though, I just know it. So, please post here/PM me if you want to ask about another fandom or paring and I'll say yes or no! ^^

So, if you want to RP, please do pm me!
Can I take the Draco x Luna one?

I have been dying to do this rp for a long time....because i absolutely love both characters <3

I could also do the Draco x Hermione one if it is more desired~

Msg me if you are interested?
I would love to play MasterxSlave, HumanxAngel/Guardian Angel or Draco x Harry. PM me!

Edit: bold is what I prefer to play.
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Hello there, I would be interested in the Demon x Human, Human x Angel/Guardian Angel,

Fallen Angel x Human. The bold roles are the ones I would prefer to play, but I'm flexible!

If you're interested, please PM me. Thanks!
I could probably role play every other day. I could be most any kind of character. Science fiction and fantasy are my favorite geners and i have an idea i believe you'd be interested in.

I have 3 characters established to work with (2 guys, one girl) though i like making them, so i'm open to making more.

I'd love to create a story WITH you, if you're still interested. Message me if you'd like.

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