• This section is for roleplays only.
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just here for the gays bby
Hello there! Im looking for someone who is willing to do a YAOI rp. I am finally free for the summer so I want to get my hands on to some nice lovely gays pffft.

I like to make characters and plots, so if you have an idea you want to try out please contact me <3 I want at least a paragraph, your grammar doesn't have to be the best (I make mistakes too!) I like to make the roleplay super messy so if you want to put tons of drama into that, it is very much welcomed! If you're full of kinks, well so am I~ I feel like I almost did about everything; i try to open myself to anything!

I'm going to just keep this short and sweet for you, if you want to go into detail with me then go on ahead and reply. Thank you!
[QUOTE="Orian Wesley]I could join

Hey, Orian! I'm happy that you're interested <3 Is there a certain plot that you want to do?
[QUOTE="Orian Wesley]Hmmm. I'm not sure. I like to horror genre. So maybe incorporate that?

Horror sounds like fun!! Do you like to get down and dirty with the blood or keeping it on the down low? ;0) Any type of plot interest you? Maybe something fantasy supernatural thing, high school yandere, or maybe a crazy killer that found a surprising interesting victim~
I'm pretty much a yandere in real life. *laughs awkwardly* But I'm fine with blood and everything.

edit: I'm a guy in real life, my account won't let me change my gender. I was just clicking through everything when I was making it and didn't notice I clicked female.
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Ah, so a yandere rp it is?

and don't worry, I could tell by your name. Team Yaoi Boys go!

want me to make a different forum post for just the two of us?
claryfawn said:
Um maybe something supernatural ,with like the vampires and all
okay~ that sounds fun ;0 want to take this to a different post to set this up?
Orian Wesley]Yeah [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/yandere-rp-w-orian.256135/ said:
Modern - Yandere RP w/ Orian[/URL]

here is the link :0)
[QUOTE="cat fitzpatrick]Would you wanna do a 1x1 with me? I'm also new so..

Yeah :D Where would you like to talk about it?
[QUOTE="cat fitzpatrick](I posted this twice sorreh. What about here..? I don't really know aha.

Mmm o-o Well I'm so new here I'm not sure if it's allowed for us to use dA or toyhouse or discord to do private rps? haha;;
no no it's never too late! what are y

ImperfectTears said:
Is it too late for me to ask if I can rp with you too?
no no, it's never too late! what are you interested in?

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