Looking for Partner/Small Group


One Time Luck
Hey guys, I'm new here but I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head so I thought I'd get them out before I forget; who knows, maybe someone will like said ideas.

  • Who: Two people/multiple people that end up together because they all have magic/supernatural powers. Plot: Because they are all teenagers and alone, they try to get money and end up getting caught up in a scheme that will pay well...but ends up being evil. One (or more) of the characters can go along with the plot, it doesn't have to be a "WE WILL FIGHT AGAINST YOU!" story. Details can be fleshed out in another post. Literally any abilities apply, as long as they have some weakness(es).
  • Anyone heard of the Warrior Heir? Something like that. Maybe not completely by the book (I haven't read them in a few years, but will again this summer) but in that basic theme.
  • Most stories are about the protagonist, but I'd like to see a fantasy story that takes place between a group of humans/elves/dwarves/name other fantastical race here that are "chasing" the main characters in order to help them; like a group of teenagers that want to be like Katniss and Peeta so they rebel all by themselves, for a similie.

There are more ideas but I figure three is enough. I'm planning on looking around the site for more roleplays so if you have any ideas for a RP PM me about an idea or a link. Thanks, all!
Finnsmyth said:
Anyone heard of the Warrior Heir? Something like that. Maybe not completely by the book (I haven't read them in a few years, but will again this summer) but in that basic theme.
Boy have I heard of it, I practically worship Cinda Williams Chima. xP

Did you hear she's releasing a sequel to the series in October?

Anyways, I would absolutely love to do a RP based on that world. That would be amazing.

Perhaps we could play two Wizards who are from White Rose and Red Rose? If you're into romance, that could be an interesting scheme. That or we could go with more of a Jack route with Warriors in high school. Or Enchanters, anything really, if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them. c:
Plume said:
Did you hear she's releasing a sequel to the series in October?
That's even more of a reason to re-read them!

Anyway, I personally don't have any ideas towards what we'd do in such a RP but the White-Red romance would be an interesting storyline to play with; I was personally a fan of the story in which Wizards had to defend themselves and then get revenge and also the High School "finding yourself" story with Jack. Point is, I just like the world and think a story in that world would be quite interesting/fun.
Cool, for now we could maybe just set up a thread looking to see if anyone else is interested, and go from there. (I'm fine with 1x1, but I usually prefer small groups if possible) Maybe just explain the basics and see what happens, whether we end up with Wizards or Warriors and whatnot. c:

Would you like to create the signup/OOC thread or should I? ^^
If you don't mind, could you make the thread?

And yeah, small groups usually work out better - at least, in the books it seemed as though that was the case, lol. Thanks :)
Sure, I'll link you when it's done. c: 
I'll have to do it tomorrow, ended up getting caught up in a few RPs.
Cool. I'm pretty new here and I'm willing to join in on something. If I'm allowed that is and Plume, I've seen a few things you've wrote so I definitely want to collaborate on something with you.
Sorry, had to go on a roadtrip with my parents this weekend so I wasn't able to get online. I feel behind...oh well, I'll try to go catch up with everything, sorry about the wait!
Finnsmyth said:
Sorry, had to go on a roadtrip with my parents this weekend so I wasn't able to get online. I feel behind...oh well, I'll try to go catch up with everything, sorry about the wait!
No worries!~ We've only just started, so you're not behind at all. Today is my mother's birthday, so I won't be on, so take your time. c:

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