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Fandom Looking for partner :3


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi! I'm Levi. I'm 16, looking for someone around my age I can write with. I'm literate, I have a few years of experience writing and I'm a little rusty, but I love to plot and do one on one rp. Reply or message me on discord at @Freaky.ness If you're interested. I'm fine doing any genre, but I love roleplays that are psychological. Oc is okay but I enjoy fandom more.

I'd like to find someone who likes Honkai star rail or Genshin Impact.

Characters I'm pretty confident playing (HSR): Acheron, Sunday, Boothill, Robin, Sparkle, Kafka, Blade, Stelle/Caelus. (GI): Yae Miko, Childe, Hu tao, Venti, Kaeya, Lumine/aether.

I'm ok with ship or familial dynamics ^ _ ^ and I love the harbingers.

My limits:
Using Ai-generated art for original characters.
Bigotry of any kind.


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