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Multiple Settings Looking for one on partner for supernatural world


New Member
Have an idea of A future earth. Year 3050. Supernaturals exits. The main story is about Dracula and his daughter. She was not raised with him. She finds him after to learn how to be a vampire. I need a strong writer for the Dracula character. As his and her relationship grows we can move on to other Supernatural characters to keep the role play interesting.
I am a strong RPer. I have a few questions though. Is it alright if I do not play Dracula perse more of a different vampire leader type character? I only ask because Dracula is a very specific character with a crapton of source material and I don't think I can play him IC. But I would still really like to play out this idea because father daughter bonding stuff makes my heart happy. Also vampires are kind of awesome.
Ok that's cool. But I have a very bad migraine tonight do ill start it tomorrow and let u know on here where it is.
I just started it in one on one and tagged you in it. You should get notice of it. I hope you like it.
What abilities is my character allowed to have? Do I need to adhere to vampire lore or can I wing it? Just asking because I usually imagine this character with control over darkness. He doesn't absolutely have to have it. I just thought I'd ask to be sure.
You can wing it. I love a writer with imagination. I haven't forgotten your reply. I just sadly have been getting migraines lately. Please have patience with me.

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