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Golden Solitaire

Fandom Garbage
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

First of all, a huge apology to those I have lost contact with or had plotting or a roleplay faded out (or maybe I thought I replied to you). If you'd like to plot again, get with me and we'll chat. BUT! Finding just a little more time on my hands, so why not start a roleplay?

Allow me to tell you about myself just so you can get to know me a bit better! I am 22 years old. I work Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm EST (GMT-4 I think) so I am most active on evenings and weekends. I am also a big reader and an artist! I am LGBT+ friendly!

As for my roleplaying...

What I offer:

-Posts of 500 to 1,000+ words, but I’ll match what you give me. Call it 'Mirror-Lit' if you will. My starting posts can average about 700 words though. I feel like it’s a good middle ground. Regardless, I can easily max out Discord’s character limit.
-Timely replies. I will make sure to post once a week at the least, but I try to post daily-every other day.
-Third person POV...for the most part. I can do first person, but I prefer not to (I feel like it’s a self insert). If you want me to, heck I’ll do it.
-OOC chat! I love OOC chat no matter if it’s about the roleplay or about memes. I don’t care, I just like getting to know people. Headcanons, playlists, memes, I love making and sharing them!
-I will do my best to let you know if I won’t be on for extended periods of time. Life happens, ya know?
-I can double. Pairing wise I have done FxF and FxM, but I do not have much experience with other gender pairings, but I'm not saying no.
-I only roleplay via PM or somewhere like Discord for organizational purposes.

What I ask:

-Posts that at least match mine. I will not reply to one liners while I’m writing multiple paragraphs. Can’t do it. Sorry.
-At least one reply a week.
-A continuation from above; if life gets busy, I understand, just please let me know so I don’t assume you’ve ditched me.
-Willingness to collaborate on a plot and assist me in furthering the story.
-Doubling in fandom plots.
-Please be at least 21+. I will not roleplay with anyone younger.

Now that we have that over with, here are my interests!

I will most likely be using an OC (or OCs) for fandom roleplays, but I will double as a canon character for you if you want. That being said, I can do OC x OC, Canon x OC, and maybe Canon x Canon but you'll really have to convince me. These pairings really don’t have to be romantic either! We can just aim for platonic relationships if you prefer! Recently, I've been wanting to do something canon divergent. Really into AUs right now.


Note: These aren't the only fandoms I'll do. They are simply what I have the most muse for currently. Just ask about something if you don't see it! I also LOVE AUs, so I'll leave a list of my favorites below!

Fandoms (Updated September 1st, 2024)

* = most muse

X-Men ‘97 *****
Canon x OC, doubling of course. Might be a long shot, but I’m looking for someone to write Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler against an OC. I can write anyone.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II *
Canon x OC. If anyone out there wants to write Simon 'Ghost' Riley or König, I would greatly appreciate it.

Baldur's Gate 3 ***
Looking for canon x OC again. I've written almost the entire cast so take your pick, and I'm looking for Astarion or Gale.

Bridgerton (it's just the essence?)
Listen, I don't know if I want to do canon x OC or OC x OC, I'm sure I could be convinced either way. I just enjoy the vibes.

Soulmate AU**** (please. I am begging.)
Crime/Mafia AU
Modern AU**
Bookstore/Library/Coffee shop AU

Alrighty! I believe that’s it! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to shoot me a message! I also roleplay on Discord if that works better for you! Let me know!
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i’m interested in mw2 if you still are!
Hey there, I'm too new to DM but I'm interested in a BDG3 RP with either of my TAVs paired with Astarion or Halsin. I'm 27 with 10+ years rp and writing experience. Would love to talk plot and character dynamics!
I have old D&D roleplay background. I like the fantasy combinations, I really like writing and looking for who would enjoy it. How are you with using dryads or using nymphs? What about elves?
We talking OG MW or reboot?
Hey there, I'm too new to DM but I'm interested in a BDG3 RP with either of my TAVs paired with Astarion or Halsin. I'm 27 with 10+ years rp and writing experience. Would love to talk plot and character dynamics!
Absolutely! I'll send you a message in a bit. I'm down to chat and plot!

I have old D&D roleplay background. I like the fantasy combinations, I really like writing and looking for who would enjoy it. How are you with using dryads or using nymphs? What about elves?
Never used dryads or nymphs in writing, but I've written wood/high elves or maybe a drow here and there. I'm not sure if I'm looking for 'slap you in the face' fantasy, but I'm open to talk about it.

We talking OG MW or reboot?
Reboot. It's the only one I've played.
Never used dryads or nymphs in writing, but I've written wood/high elves or maybe a drow here and there. I'm not sure if I'm looking for 'slap you in the face' fantasy, but I'm open to talk about it.

I guess I can understand this to mean you would not be as open to high fantasy, you want these alternate beings to appear somewhere with familiarity which would be possible in this world, at some time or another, while you would accept inclusion of merpersons, angels, demons, vampires, or werewolves. I can have a setting that corresponds to somewhere and at some time in this world, with human society that would be there shown in that, to meet that need. But you are open to one or more elves in it, and such can play a central role in this, yet not introducing more beings. So this might be focused on human actions when common humans deal with one or more elves entering relationship or engagement with any of them. Is that about it? Maybe we can communicate for roleplay with these things in mind, you can let me know.
I guess I can understand this to mean you would not be as open to high fantasy, you want these alternate beings to appear somewhere with familiarity which would be possible in this world, at some time or another, while you would accept inclusion of merpersons, angels, demons, vampires, or werewolves. I can have a setting that corresponds to somewhere and at some time in this world, with human society that would be there shown in that, to meet that need. But you are open to one or more elves in it, and such can play a central role in this, yet not introducing more beings. So this might be focused on human actions when common humans deal with one or more elves entering relationship or engagement with any of them. Is that about it? Maybe we can communicate for roleplay with these things in mind, you can let me know.
Please note I have those pairings crossed out. I am not interested. Thank you.

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