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Looking for MxM/FxF RP Partners! ~ Original & Fandoms ~ Ignore Prefix ^^"


Maid of Heart

Hi there! My name is Kaia (which isn't actually my name, but happens to be my OCs name ^^")

Anywho! To the important stuff!

I'm in the EST time zone, and although I probably will reply in the middle of the night most of the time, I won't be replying from early in the morning to about 3pm in the afternoon, since I have classes throughout that time.
Sometimes I have these little moments of laziness, so I may not respond right away for that reason, either. Everyone gets them, as far as I know, so I won't be judging you either if you have these moments as well.

On the note of not replying, please tell me if you become disinterested in our roleplay or don't want to roleplay with me any longer! I swear on my own life that I'm not going to be offended, and I'll be more offended if you just drop off the face of the earth without saying anything about it to me first. I'm fine with switching plots, characters, or anything else to make you more comfortable. Or, of course, dropping the roleplay altogether is fine as well.

I'll do the same thing for you, unless you don't want me to, of course. That's fine, too!
I don't roleplay or even talk OOC over anything except for PMs on this site. It's just a preference for me. 

I believe that's all for now, but if I think of anything else, I'll put it in here!


» Okay, this is a huge issue for me, and I can't really wrap my head around why. I only roleplay MxM and FxF. Please do not come to me asking for an MxF roleplay. I'll turn you away. If I liked to double, I'd be happy to do both pairings, but that brings up my second rule.

» I don't double. Nothing against that way of roleplaying, I just think it's much nicer to be able to focus on one character and developing that character through the plot. It might just be because I'm easily confused, but doubling honestly stresses me out. So I don't do it. Please don't bring it up.

» I'm fine with being either the submissive or dominant role. It really doesn't matter to me in the slightest. All I ask is that even if you play the submissive, you add to the roleplay. I've noticed that most people who are the sub expect the dom to lead the entire roleplay. Sorry, but that's just not how this works.

» Please come to me with at least one idea for a plot for the roleplay. I don't care if it's just a pairing, or if it's an AU, or if it's an entire plot. As long as it's something, it'll do. As far as that goes, you can bring me fifty, and I'm totally fine with that, too. (By the way, it doesn't necessarily have to be one of the ones I give you)

» I'm not interested in group roleplays at all, sorry.


(These can also be used for fandom ideas. It doesn't really matter to me.)











Body swap

High School




Modern Day/Casual





Show Business










Best friends 





(Personal Favorite)




Pen Pals


Road Trip





Ouran High School Host Club

The Hunger Games

Harry Potter

Attack on Titan

Death Note


Love Live!

(Those are only my main ones! Ask and I'll let you know of the others as well!)

heya! i'm interested in doing some sort of apocalypse/survival roleplay, maybe also with zombies. i haven't done one in forever, so I think it would be fun! ^-^ also, i was a bit confused about your come with me a plot rule thingy; is it okay for me just to say that I want to do a roleplay like this or should I be more specific? 
heya! i'm interested in doing some sort of apocalypse/survival roleplay, maybe also with zombies. i haven't done one in forever, so I think it would be fun! ^-^ also, i was a bit confused about your come with me a plot rule thingy; is it okay for me just to say that I want to do a roleplay like this or should I be more specific? 

Hi! I'd be glad to do an apocalypse/survival roleplay with you! (And I love zombies, so that should be fun as well!) And don't worry, just one of my plots is totally fine! We can come up with specifics while planning. PM me and we can discuss which pairing you're interested in and whatnot!
Hi! I'd love to do a fxf roleplay of some kind. I'm not sure what plot I'd like yet, but I would prefer something with an already pre-existing couple and some angst, as all of my rps for the moment circle around the first phase of a relationship, and I'd like to switch that up. I love brainstorming for plots though, and I'm very open to different things. Hit me up if that would be something you're interested in doing :))
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Hey-o, still got some spots open for others people to nudge their way in? Would love to check out some of the possible scenarios!
I have been looking to do some MxM 1x1!! I'd like to do Royalty/knight-type-of-thing. Sounds fun to me! PM if you're interested (or I can PM you)!
I would be super Interested in a pirate rp ;W; I like both mxm and fxf and have the tendency to take on more dom roles. 

It can always be classic pirates or have some fantasy elements thrown in~
Hello, Kaia! My name's Chrys, and I am very interested in roleplaying with you!

From your interests, it seems as if something historical could be fun to play out. I'd be happy to indulge in your favorite pairing (Royalty/Knight; either role would be fine by me). I'd be alright with either FxF or MxM.


I'm not sure what kind of relationship you'd like for our characters to have, but I have a few ideas:

Concerning Kingdom: The King, the royalty's father, is an evil, tyrannical man. Either character forms a plan to dethrone him and goes to the other with it. Of course, both characters have to struggle with the idea of murder, since one has to give up their loyalty while the other gives up familial ties. Plus the morality of it, naturally. I'd imagine that the two characters are either close or that whichever character made up the plan knows that they can only afford to trust one person with the idea of it. The way to continue it is to have the knight thrown in jail for what they have done after they are caught, Royalty having no choice but to condemn them even though they were in on it as well. The knight manages to escape, with the royalty's help, and perhaps they happen to meet up again. The knight could have become a knight in another kingdom, a thief to attempt to survive, or whoever else.

Concerning Journey/Adventure: The royalty has been found to be the Chosen One, like you see in the movies. They are told that they must journey to save the kingdom, for whatever reason, and so the King and Queen have no choice but to send their child so that all is well again. A few knights are sent, perhaps, and a raid leaves all of the knights except one and the royalty alive. Maybe they are even kidnapped (though this doesn't have to happen if you dislike playing side characters). It could be interesting, maybe.

-As an alternate idea, the royalty must travel far to another kingdom for an arranged marriage. The knight comes along to protect them. Then stuff happens: they get lost, a raid, nature decides to delay them. The royalty has no interest in being married, so maybe they try to delay the trip themselves. This might actually result in the knight's injury, an unintended consequence.

Concerning War: This time, the two are not together. No, instead they are both a part of rival kingdoms. This could go several ways: they happen to meet, take a liking to each other (platonic, romance, whatever), and decide that they want to try to make the two kingdoms peaceful again. It could be kinda cool if they married, something that's unheard of, though they don't have a romantic interest in each other. They figure that nothing has worked for the kingdoms so far, so why not try something drastic?

-Or, they hate each other. The knight could kidnap the royalty, maybe they have a sour history.

(I don't mind playing either character, and I can play either submissive or dominant. If none of these ideas interest you, we can TOTALLY brainstorm! Just PM me!

Concerning romance, I don't do insta-romance and I like my romance with a side of difficulty. Royalty/Knight is perfect for that, because that's basically a type of forbidden relationship so there's bound to be several complications. If you'd like romance, just tell me and we can discuss how to go about it.)
Hi! Are you still open?

If so, I'd be interested in either Demon x Human, Penpals, Homeless x Wealthy or a Harry Potter RP! :)


My name is iKimchi, but you could just call me Kimchi as well. *u*

I think your rules are reasonable so I won’t say anything about it. Plus, I completely agree with people who play the submissive only be there and just talk about what had already happened. No progress at all unless if it comes from the dominant one. I’m honestly tired from it so that’s why I’m glad that somebody else thinks the same about this.

(I even wanted to be a sub before and all of a sudden in the process of the story the other said he wanted to switch that because he couldn’t write well. And hello, there I was leading the plot by myself… again. >-<)

Anyway, for your original ones, I’m interested in these:

> College (student x student, professor x student, student x dropout)

> Restaurant (owner x employee, owner x customer)

> Show Business (celebrity x manager, celebrity x non-fan, celebrity x celebrity)

> Best Friends

> Rivals

(Holy hell, this is a lot. o-o)

And for the fandoms (I prefer to play an OC for these things):

> Haikyuu!!

> Ouran High School Host Club

Other fandoms I know about:

> Yuri on Ice

> Tokyo Ghoul

> Ao No Exorcist

> Brothers Conflict

> …

Hello there!

I'm rather interested in doing an Alien/Human RP. I already have a basic idea of what the plot could be about. Of course that is if you're still open.
Hey C:  I'm interested in any of these:




High School

Modern Day/Casual

Show Business


Best friends 



Hi! I'm not sure if you're still looking, but I'd love to do one of the demon/human, angel/human, or angel/demon pairings. I prefer MxM, and I was thinking it could be a modern or futuristic type AU, or even mixed in with an apocalyptic scenario. :3 
I'd be interested to do a fxf role play with you. If your still open im most interested in



FarmXcountry side 
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