• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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looking for me? i thought so :3


peace, love,....., applesauce?

Oh hai!

I'm in search of partners for some original plots I've been wanting to start. They are all pairings, with myself as female, but unless it specifically says mxf, I am open to my partner writing as male, female or otherwise!

I'm always open to suggestion, so if you like a plot and want to start a roleplay, but have an idea, please share!

a little about me!
I am pretty laid back as far as being a writer. I've been roleplay for about four years now with stories ranging from casual to very detailed plotlines. I currently run a roleplay chatroom that features realtime roleplay (also ooc convos) in a chat format. I've been there for four years. I'm from the US in the Central Time Zone and my availability will vary. In general, you should expect a response weekday evenings and at any time on the weekends. However this is almost irrelevant as I might respond from my phone which means I could send it off during the day on weekdays. I might also respond in the middle of the fucking night. C'est la vie.
looking for...
As far as partners, I'm laid back with that, as well. I just ask that you be able to normally respond within two days of my post. I'm totally understanding, so please let me know if life is happening! I just think it keeps momentum better to be regularly replying to one another. That said, I don't expect to receive a response from you the same day I post (but there's a chance I'll respond to your post the same day you post because I'm not really doing much.)

Due to my appreciation for a good romance, please be 18+. This just eliminates any issues with content.

As the roleplays are taken, I will be crossing them off or deleting the option completely. It is first come first serve!
my etiquette

fairly active (responds in around 2 days or less)

if you wish to discontinue the rp, please let me know. don't leave me hanging.

if you wish to discontinue the rp but start a new one, let me know!

Here are the plot ideas I had:

  • Character A had always been a confident and successful athlete and student, but lately, they have begun to feel a bit mismatched in the romance department. They go on dates with girls/guys that are good-looking people with promising futures, but there's just no attraction. That is until they meet Character B, an openly gay individual. An instant attraction confuses Character A and sends them into a swirling vortex of questions, disbelief, denial and emotion. The two begin to spend time with each other and develop deep feelings, but Character B does not wish to be hidden away like some dirty secret; they faced their demons and came clean. Over the course of some months, their relationship becomes very involved and they are doing everything together. While they fall in love quickly and seem perfectly matched, Character A's reluctance to show off Character B or openly express their feelings puts a huge strain on their relationship. They fight constantly and Character B is at the point where they are ready to give up. Character A will have to come to terms with their sexuality or face losing the love of their life.
  • (pairing) (group of 2-4 others)

  • In the setting of a bleak dystopian future, a powerful military regime has taken control of the once beloved government of the Republic of Byindiir. Having overhauled the peaceful lands and placed troops throughout the settlements to enforce the harsh and cruel policies and procedures set forth by the tyrant, Orwell Scottston. Before its fall, the Republic spanned over the entire continent and consisted of countless small villages and a handful of large cities strategically placed throughout the land. Citizens were forced into predetermined jobs and had strict curfews, in some areas. City dwellers that had more monetarily substantial jobs were forced to lose a large percentage of their incomes to taxes to fund the overly large military. The only ones that received immunity or reduced taxes were the social elites of the aristocracy that funded the less righteous expeditions of Orwell’s regime. Rural areas are subject to having harvests and livestock seized to be distributed throughout the Republic.

    From the belly of the dark monster arises a rebellion. It is comprised of working class citizens of the urban and rural areas of the republic. The group is small, but growing in number. The leader of the rebellion faces a difficult task. Until there are enough troops to stage a coup d’etat, they must lay low and continue to gradually acquire resources to aid them in their battles. The rebellion occupies abandoned bunkers and sends members to travel over the continent to secretly gain supporters and intel. Even within the cities, there are rebels working in the administration, passing on vital information.

    The rebellion is nearing its opportunity to overtake the regime and restore the former glory of the Republic, but will they be able to strike before time runs out?

    Rolta Plexus-
    http://imgur.com/6N2ZVcc[/color] rebelregimeofficialxrebelregimeofficial, roltanxroltan, (rebelxrebel)

    http://imgur.com/YxSxL0F soldierxcitydweller, citydwellerxcitydweller, rebelxcitydweller, (rebelxrebel)

    http://imgur.com/QzmxDpI[/color] richxpeasant, richxrich, richrebelxrichrebel, richxrich, (rebelxrebel)

    http://imgur.com/mCS6oE1 soldierxtownsperson, citydwellerxtownsperson, rebelsoldierxrebeltownsperson, rebelsoldierxtownsperson, (rebelxrebel)

    New Plexys-
    http://imgur.com/pjx22RO rebelxrebel

    Shodin Valley-
    http://imgur.com/VXKxc4e rebelfarmerxrebelfarmer, (rebel)xrebelfarmer, (rebelxrebel)

    Republic of Byindiir-

If you are interested in starting a roleplay with me, reply below ( ) or shoot me a PM!

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Ugh I can't decide I like a different kind of gift and making changes. Both are so good and I would LOVE a long term partner!
Both are still available so it's your pick! However I mostly write female, and a different kind of gift is mxf. So if you are comfortable writing male we can do that one. Making changes isn't gender specific so whatever gender you choose is fine with me
I usually play females, but i'm comfortable with both. I think making changes would be interesting with a f x f pairing. if you wouldn't mind!
I want to do all of them, or a few of them at least. I'm pretty exited about sounds really cool!

Although I'm not 18+, I can brew up some nice stuff... if you know what I mean...

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