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♥ Looking for long-term partners ♥

Leilani Harris

lei lei♥
Hi there! I'm Leilani, but you can call me Lei ♥ I was considering listing about a gazillion different pairings, but I decided to let people discuss with me. So, if you wanna do a 1 x 1 with me please feel free to reply below and I'll PM you! I actually prefer to discuss with people and not give limited choices to people c: As of fandoms, I'm only open to certain because I barely watch any shows, sorry :( Well, thanks! Also, I'm looking for long-term partners that won't just give up on me in the middle. Please don't sweat to tell me if you're not enjoying the roleplay or feel uncomfortable. Just tell me and we'll re-brainstorm ♥ I guess that's all then ♥


I would love to rp with you if your still looking

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