• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Looking for LONG-TERM and OFFSITE roleplays!


Local Over Whelmed College Student
About Me:

  • I am a 19 year old college student with two part time jobs
  • I have lots of pets ranging from a snake to my precious little rats, as such i will be talking about them a lot in OOC
  • I like to speak in OOC more than I should, but I like to make connections with my partner
  • My reply length varies from super long to maybe one paragraph, it depends on my mood, my partners energy, and whatever events are going on in the rp
  • I generally make plot up as I go, but if there is something that I need to discuss I will so I expect the same from you
  • I'm a really nice person, so please, please, do not hesitate to tell me if there is anything going on in your life that would prevent you from rping or responding. As a person who suffers from severe depression amongst other things, I understand. I won't be mad
  • I get sidetracked, don't be afraid to double message me
  • I generally play male characters, but I will do female/nonbinary/trans/etc. if I need to. That being said, I prefer MxM/FxF, but I will do MxF on occasion
  • I prefer to rp over skype, discord, or whatever other chat service you may have just NOT the pm system on this site please
  • RANDOM FACTS ABOUT MOI: I have the INFP-T personality type, I am a gemini-cancer cusp child, and I like to (badly) draw

Since my pairings/fandoms/etc change quite a bit, I have compiled everything you need to know about me as an rp-er into one great big post! Just follow the link below and then shoot me a message on here or drop a line below to let me know your interests!

Hello! Looking through your list, I noticed we have Harry Potter in common! I would love to do a pairing with either Ron x Hermione or Fred x Hermione :)  And if you like to double i am also interested in Harry x Draco! Let me know if you're interested. :)  I'm fine doing this over email if you are! :)
I'm interested in a Lord of the Rings, Frodo/Sam rp!

And for Marvel, do you have any ships with Scott Lang, or would you be interested in a non-romance rp if not? (It's okay if you don't, I was just curious)
Hello! I was wondering if you were still looking for partners! I was looking back at your page and I would love to play Alois to your Ciel!
Hello! I was wondering if you were still looking for partners! I was looking back at your page and I would love to play Alois to your Ciel!

-screams- i would absolutely LOVE it if you would play alois to my ciel! go ahead and shoot me a message and we can discuss details from there :3
Hi! Do you only play the pairings/fandoms listed? Or would you also play two non-canon characters in a fandom world (Or CharxOC)? Specifically Harry Potter or Supernatural?

I would really enjoy playing over skype, as I am not that comfortable with publicly viewable roleplays. Shoot me a message, if you like :)  (I can't massage you my skype number as I have not reached 10 posts yet)
@ElizianI'm interested if you're still looking for people ^-^

Of course of course ^^ 

Hi! Do you only play the pairings/fandoms listed? Or would you also play two non-canon characters in a fandom world (Or CharxOC)? Specifically Harry Potter or Supernatural?

I would really enjoy playing over skype, as I am not that comfortable with publicly viewable roleplays. Shoot me a message, if you like :)  (I can't massage you my skype number as I have not reached 10 posts yet)

I sure can! I'll shoot ya a message
@Elizian You still interested?  How about SPN canon/OC (happy to double) or maybe a Throne of Glass? (Like I didn't even know there was ToG RP?  Can't for SURE guarantee how long my interest will hold on that one TBH, so SPN is a safer bet if you're looking for long-term, but we could totally do a short or a test run for ToG maybe?  IDK haha, we can talk if you're interested :) )
UPDATE: Added Original Character tab to show off some of my babs, I would be happy roleplaying any of them OuO Also extended the pairing list for a couple of my preferred fandom pairings.

UP FOR DEBATE: possibly adding a prompt section, more news to come. for now, enjoy my OC babies.
I'd like to do McHanzo, Reaper76 or Genyatta. (No Genji x Hanzo, cuz fuck incest.)

Also maybe some of your OC's.

(Zach is bae, Will is my spiritual bro and Ziggy is just as confusing as my college exams.)

Also I have my 1x1 search of my own, but its all pairings and no plots/samples.

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@Elizian - I'd be interested in doing Ciel x Alois or Remus x Sirius roleplay (: If you're interested, do you mind sending me a pm? Thank you! <3 


I'd love to do a rp with one of your overwatch pairings! Reaper76 is my otp and Id love to rp it you are interested, but if not I wouldn't mind typing genyatta as well ^^

Stuff: I can rp on skype, I have several years of experience (on other sites), I heavily prefer to play a male character over a female, Im a very active rp so I will reply often, I'm a girl, I have a pet turtle fish and a cat, I like to waste my life on video games and drawing, in an Aries, and my rp length depends. I usually try to copy the length of my rp partner, but when I am on mobile or busy in classes I will post around a short paragraph. 

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