Double Luck
PLEASE Click on A,B and C for more info!!!!!!
a roleplay by user
I hope you'll RP with me! ♡
user one, user two
k-pop, high teen
About Me
Hello, I'm Shiki! I've been role-playing for a long time, but I shifted my focus to art due to reasons. Now, I want to try role-playing again, hoping to make some writing friends and connect with other OC artists.
I'm Shiki, 26 years old! I do 3rd Person, Semi-Lit and Lit. I am a very relaxed partner when it comes to grammar/writing style, mainly due to having a reading disability.
I've been on the lookout for a partner who really cares and likes or loves my characters. My main goal to gain ideas for my Beloved OCs.
My OCs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.
listen closely
rule one!
My goal is to expand my character, learn more about them through different characters, settings, etc. I would really appreciate it if you look into them; even tell me if you like them or not! I mean I WOULD REALLY LIKE YOU IF YOU LOOK INTO THEM! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
rule two!
Frist impressions are important. This sounds like I'm being too rigid, but it's actually for a good reason. I'm an adult who wants to make friends. Please no dry texting, I would love to engage with you, vibe with you. Get our creative brains working! This will help you! Please give me your preferred Name, age(you can say 18+ if you don't want to share), tell me a little about yourself, whatever your open to sharing and your OC/character. Plus questions, and other things you believe I should know.
rule three!
Just like how I want you to be an adult. Have your OC as an adult as well. Above 20 please, 18 or lower will make me feel uncomfortable. I know some role players like making characters for role play and Romance is the popular topic. I don't mind romance but I have picky taste. This could help for you wanna ship my characters. It's not a perfect Guide but it's helpful. Please ask!
♡coded by uxie♡