Looking for interesting MxM romance rp


Junior Member
I would really like to do an RP with someone who can do MxM relationships. I want it to be interesting and able to continue for a while. I generally prefer to play a more submissive guy, but I am flexible on that.

Though I have less experience in the area of more supernatural things, I can work with the basics but I'm better when it has a bit of reality in it (like vampires in a boarding school ) . I am also not apposed to a different type of society or black market kind of things ( in the rp, obviously not real life) so long as it is understood by us both.

I write a decent amount when I post and would like someone who could do the same. The main thing I want here is someone who will keep things Interesting and lasting. I hope this all makes sense....Thank you for taking the time to read this, please reply or message me if you think we could make a good match.
Well, it's not the same with all of them, but I have one RP with a person that's onexone that went on for probably over three years before it finally died. . . So yes, I like things interesting and lasting too lol Also, I am currently a fan of MxM relationships, mostly because I find it easier to play male characters. Whatever kind of idea you'd like to do, I'm open to it ^_^
On another site I was in a MxM role play with someone that hit over 1000 pages, and like Nalakitty said, I too am a fan of MxM and the in depth emotions and drama that goes along with it. If you're looking for another partner, let me know, I'm always open for 1x1 of group role plays. c:
I am open to mxm also I find them much more interesting and tend to last longer to me :smile 2: So if you need another partner I am available.

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