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Fandom Looking for fandom/original roleplays!! [NOT OPEN ANYMORE]

I'd be up for either Monster High or Harry Potter!! Haven't watched or read all the Harry Potter books and movies but I do know the lore and things like that. I have played Hogwarts Legacg of that helps-
For Monster High I've watched all the movies of G1 at least once :)
hii love! i was originally on quotev as well, id absolutely love to chat about a roleplay if you're still looking for writting buddies! we had a lot of fandoms in common and im a descriptive roleplayer as well! im open to writting for non fandoms or genshin and harry potter, lmk!
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GodlyDnD, funklephil, zerr0_x and flowernet PM me and we can get started on discussing further in the rps!

Just thought I'd mention you all in one message rather than seperate !!

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