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Looking for Buddy


That one guy you pretend isn't there
So I generally hang out in group role plays,  but I thought I'd try my luck in one-on-ones.  I have no idea how these work so expect incompetence from my end. I'm fine with whatever, even though it says fantasy up top. Although there are a few things that must be made clear. 

Romance will never be the main focus. There can be romance, but whatever we'll be doing will come first. 

I have certain... problems with fandom role plays. I never feel comfortable talking control of characters made by other people. I'm fine with playing as original characters in the world created by others, for some reason. I can force myself past this inhibition, if you insist, but I would rather not. 

I prefer comedy over tragedy. Now I like a good tragedy, but comedy will always catch my attention. I honestly would rather do an improvised, casual, random game than a detailed,  well planned out serious one. 

I honestly want to just stay with a basic idea and see where it goes without any planning. Sure,  there's the potential for massive failure,  but if it works, I think it'd be fun. 

And just throwing it out there: I'm pretty young. 16 years of age currently. If you have any problems with playing with someone so young, you can leave now. I'm also a straight male, if you couldn't tell by my username. 

So reply if you're interested in being my role playing buddy. 

I forgot to mention post length and frequency. I'm a casual guy. Really all I care about is quality. I don't care how long your post is as long as it has some substance that I can go off of. I will try to do the same. And about post length. I understand that life gets busy. Try and get a post through at least every two days. If you can't, please tell me so I'm not kept waiting. You'll just break my fragile teenager heart if you abandon me with no warning. 
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You sound like a fun partner! wanna do something fantasy? perhaps with gods? I have a really cool god character!
Yeah that sounds cool. What do you have in mind? You thinking about a sort of greek god thing, where there are a bunch of gods being jerks to each other and their subjects? Because I'm down for that. 
Im thinking much more than that...Im thinking its a war between mythology! Norse VS Greek VS Roman for example!
That sounds cool. I'd need to brush up on my mythology.  If we use both Greek and Roman,  each god should just be different faces of the same being, since they're so similar (you ever read Rick Riordan's books?  He does something like that) So it could be Greek/Roman vs.  Norse vs. Umm...  Egyptian maybe. 
Maybe we don't play just the normal gods...Maybe you play their children? The children that are crossed between two mythologies are torn between who to help.....maybe the children of the gods try to stop the war!
That is a great idea. I want to do that. What two mythologies do you want to fight? 
I was thinking maybe Norse and Greek. My main character is Gor, the god of randomness. His father is Loki the trickster god and mother is Eris goddess of chaos.
That works. I choose Hades,  god of the underworld, and Hel, goddess of the dead, as the parents of my character, to be named, god of being dead or something like that. (I'll figure that out later). So do you think we need to make character sheets to get familiar with each others characters,  or do you just want to set up an into and go from there? 
That works. I choose Hades,  god of the underworld, and Hel, goddess of the dead, as the parents of my character, to be named, god of being dead or something like that. (I'll figure that out later). So do you think we need to make character sheets to get familiar with each others characters,  or do you just want to set up an into and go from there? 

We should make character sheets, but we don't have to if you don't want to.

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