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Fantasy Looking for ANYTHING


New Member

I'm not necessarily new to RpN, though my account is currently brand new. So bare with me as I work toward the 10 posts needed in order to PM and all that good stuff.

As for looking for partners, here's the skinny -->

*I'm an adult. 24 years of living on this earth counts as an adult, right? (Though I lean more to childish antics, but c'mon! I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 (as well as being pregnant with the 3rd) kids all under age 6. Give me some credit?)

*I'll quite literally roleplay anything. Pitch me an idea, and we'll see. Not every story will catch my fancy, but the worst I'm gonna say is that I'm not interested in the story idea.

*I will literally post a whole heck of a lot, or I won't. It all depends on what's going on in my daily life. But know this, and know it well, when I start a story, I am a dedicated player. Even if I don't get a reply out, I will keep you updated on ETA's of those replies. I probably won't detail out what exactly is going on that's keeping me away... you'll just have to deal.

*I have no cravings, wants, or anything like that. My biggest and only craving is that I want to roleplay. If this changes, I will certainly update this. So, as mentioned in a previous note, pitch me an idea!


- Alex

(Post 4 of 10)
Hey fren! I've got a craving to play a character of mine, but no plots planned T^T, so I'd be happy to at least send you the character sheet and see what happens?

This panotterpus be bored and looking for more frens xD
I can send you a prompt later today since I have to leave for work, but I'm curious. What inspired your username? :D
Hey fren! I've got a craving to play a character of mine, but no plots planned T^T, so I'd be happy to at least send you the character sheet and see what happens?

This panotterpus be bored and looking for more frens xD

Sure! That would be fine with me! :)

I can send you a prompt later today since I have to leave for work, but I'm curious. What inspired your username? :D

That works for me :) And it was World of Warcraft hehe I'm an avid WoW fan (even if I haven't played since after the first month Legion released... Which makes me feel like a sad panda sometimes)
I'm also working towards my 10 messages, but I would love to do an older Dipper Pines x oc when he comes back to Gravity Falls. I refuse to believe that he never returned. Please and thank you.

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