Looking for anyone to RP with


Junior Member
Basically the title says it all. I'm looking for someone, anyone, to RP with. I am new to this site & have only started RPing this year. I started out on another site & am looking to expand my RP horizons. I have thus far only done RPs 1 on 1, sometimes where each person plays multiple characters. But I'm up for a group one as well, though you may have to walk me through rules & whatnot as I have never done a group RP. I RP in third person as it is the style I generally write in as well, but I have done a few short stories in first person in the past, so I could probably pull that off if need be. I can play males or females, though I prefer to play males. I also prefer to play my own OCs as it's easier to play a character when I already know how they think, act, feel, etc. though I have played a character or two someone else wanted & I'm sure if an RP requires a certain type of character I can more than likely come up with one, as I have been known to come up with one on a whim. Most of my OCs are males, but I do have females. Most are anthros, but I do also have humanoids & ferals. They range in ages from very young (single digit age) to very old (old enough to have a 41 yr. old son anyhow), but most are middle aged (in their 30s or 40s) or teenaged. I prefer to follow as opposed to leading, but I can lead & plot it out if you so desire. I try my best not to give one liners, but if that's what I get, that might be what is returned as well. But I will try to at least post a paragraph. The longer your post, the better I can make mine (most times, but everyone has their days). If there's anybody willing to RP with me, let me know.=^.^=
Welp, I'm here for you! I am just like you. I am..JUST like you. xD Is it okay for me to call you my best writing friend ever?

anywho, I'll role-play with you.
I can RP just about anything I think. If you start one, I can follow. Or if you prefer I can start one. You'd just have to tell me which section to start it in. LOL.
They ARE NOT Vampires. -.- They are Greasers. Or, like, Hoodlums. With Socs, or the rich people. Never mind, you obviously haven't, no offense. What HAVE you read? This whole idea will be based off of that.
Reading wise, I haven't read hardly anything lately, unless you count my own writing. As for TV wise, I've been watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Stupidest show ever, but it's like a train wreck & you can't look away. I also watch NCIS, Law & Order: SVU, Pawn Stars, Hardcore Pawn, Tanked, Face/Off (the contest makeup show on sci-fi, not the movie), Criminal Minds, Gator Boys, basically stuff like that. I catch Cake Boss, wrestling, World's Dumbest, & George Lopez every now & then. But I'm not really sure how you can base an RP off of any of that.
[MENTION=4653]ArinOlsen[/MENTION]: Um, sorry, but the answers are no, a long long time ago when I was in like middleschool, & no. But if you like Animorphs, you might like that most of my OCs are anthro.

[MENTION=4668]Uzuki Yashiro[/MENTION]: That'd be cool!

To both: Sorry it took so long to respond. I didn't get an email about this thread for some reason so I had no idea anyone posted back.
I'd love to play with you if you're still looking. I have a few shifter characters (have a human and a single animal form) that I could re-use if you like anthropoid animals/animal-people. Or I can make new ones. PM if you're interested, and let me know if you have any plot ideas or want to hear mine.

-Captain Caramel

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