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Looking for an long term 1 on 1 roleplay( Updated again )

Hi,I'm looking for someone to have a long term role-play. I have several ideas with all have different genre but i also would like to hear yours .


  • Must have decent grammar: I'm not asking for the grammar to be perfect. all I am asking is for the grammar to be understandable .

  • activity : must be really active. I don't want someone who comes online like once a week. I need someone to be active each day.

  • manners : must be respectful,kind and open-minded .

  • Must be mature: looking for a mature people. I don't want any immature people. you can be at any age but must be mature .

  • Dedication: I want someone who is really dedicated and will not leave in the middle of the role-play .
  • must be detailed: I want someone who is really detailed in both character creation and in there posts

My role-play ideas:

First idea:The child of poor man/woman gets kidnapped. But when he goes to the guard for help they refuse to do help him since his poor.One guard feels bad for the person and Helps him on is adventure to save his daughter.

Which era is it in :

Medieval times/Middle Ages(973–1011)


  • Must have a good knowledge of the supernatural(mythical creature) and About the medieval era
  • The ability to play multiple characters

Second idea: The last of us fandom RP: about 2 survivor going through there daily . They can be sibling/Family/Lover/Friends or just two stranger they've just met.

Which era is it in :



  • Must have played and have a big amount of knowledge about the game
  • If your looking for romantic role-play your character must be female

Third idea:ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in ancients times : I also had this idea for a while now.I was wondering how a zombie apocalypse in different time eras.


Ancient times(medieval,Victorian,etc)


  • To have a good amount of info about zombies or Seen some zombie movies or Played zombie games
  • Common sense/ Sense of realism

forth idea: A young homeless girl is about to be attacked when a vampires comes and Saves her life.The vampire give the girl a home and End up loving her


Victorian era


  • Good amount of info about the basics of vampires
  • Must be a girl(this role-play is strictly Yuri(girl on girl))
  • Having a some information about the Victorian era

fifth idea:About 2 supernatural hunters.There dealing with different supernatural creatures. The role-play will be episodic




  • must have a decent amount of knowledge of the supernatural creatures

I'm open to other ideas :)

if your interested just send me private message with your age/sex/location and how long have you been role-playing.
Hey, I am interested in your fourth and fifth ideas on this thread. I am new here and unfamiliar with how to send pm's, thus it would be very helpful if you were to shoot me one instead. Sorry for the inconvenience but I would love to roleplay with you!
I'm not sure how to pm though, still kind of new here, so I wouldn't mind getting a tutorial on how this works

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