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Looking for Advanced Roleplay


queen of angst

So I've been writing for a while now, and there always comes that time where you just can't find any partners save for one or two people for the life of you. Well, I'm at that point, and this is a problem of course. With summer break going on, I'm about to have a ridiculously huge about of free time. What better way to spend it than roleplaying? Well, I suck at intros so here, let me just get to the point with this.

about my writing

I have a very detailed writing style. I typically stay around writing fifteen paragraphs per post, more or less. I have a standard of myself for never going below five paragraphs. I'll post daily if I'm particularly interested in the rp, but if not you can expect a post around three times a week. I prefer writing males, but I can do female characters. I typically don't do more than one main character; although, I love to have many side characters. And lastly, I only roleplay in the forums and not over pm.

my interests

Slice of life is by far my favorite genre, and after that it's horror. I like writing with a lot of conflict between characters whether it be external or internal. Any type of conflict works, really. I really enjoy writing about is mature topics (not NSFW) like a character with a drug addiction or having issues of any sort, too. Including romance is always fun I find, but only whenever it's not the main focus of the roleplay and has a slow build-up. I'm willing to write sci-fi and fantasy genres if you have a good plot in mind, but keep in mind that I don't really like these genres. I prefer sci-fi over fantasy. Roleplays that have a starter and no real set plot so that the story kind of writes itself are definitely my preference.


Now if you're still interested, there are a few things that I expect out of my partners and myself included.


Four paragraphs per post, minimum.

I'm looking for an advanced roleplay, so long posts should be a given. I don't wish to write with someone who is forcing themselves up to four paragraphs with each post, which is why I say this. I'm expecting something more around six paragraphs on average.


Good grammar.

Again, an advanced roleplay. At least know your spelling and basic grammar. I can understand if English isn't your first language, but for the most part I need to be able to understand what you're saying. I'm willing to help improve your grammar if I find that there are mistakes, so I'm pretty lenient on this requirement.


An original, realistic character.

Please use your own characters and not one like Naruto or something. Make them realistic, too. No anime references, perfect characters, powerplay. You know, the usual things. I expect a character sheet, too, but I'm pretty simple with those.



If there is something you don't want to see or dislike in the roleplay, please tell me. I want to know what you're interested in and all the ideas you have as well. I don't want to be the only one contributing to the roleplay or end up ignoring problems until they get out of hand. Let's be mature and talk things through, yeah?


Kudos to you if my requirements didn't scare you off.

Like I said before, I like roleplays that begin with starters instead of plots. So that explains why I pretty much have no plots here, haha. Anyways, I'll


the role that I would prefer in any pairings, but of course you can do the italicized role if you like. Please keep in mind that I would


to hear about any ideas that you have, so please share. We don't have to do one of these that I'm about to list. Something I like to do is to come up with something from out characters, so we could do that, too.

"You don't understand... You don't understand in the



What could drive a stranger to walk through the rain and knock on another stranger's door, begging for help? Are they a runaway or just plain lost? Where they kicked out of home whether it be from being disowned or a lack of money to pay rent? Are they a part of a robbery group, and they were the one to get sent to check out the home before any actual robbing went down? Would this person have trouble leaving or no, and if they do have trouble, is it because of the homeowner or something else? What could they offer the stranger in exchange for having a place to stay? What if the homeowner's intentions weren't exactly good, either?


Character one

robs a convenience store. What led them to this? Oh well, it doesn't matter. Not when the only employee in the store (character two) is staring them down with the most determined look telling you to kill them. Do they actually want you to kill them, or is this some sick joke, maybe a survival tactic? Will a bullet actually be shot, or what? If not, what happens when character one walks out without being caught and later returns as an employee to that same store?

"You know the devil never dies? He keeps coming back, and you just have to keep killing him."

Character one doesn't die. Even by suicide they always find themselves back with the living. Why is this? What way can they stop it? Will they tell anyone else, and how will they react? Is character two the person who did this to them or are they just as oblivious to the nature of this situation as character one? How will character two find out about this?

"Save your own life."

Character one

is on the run but for what reason? Is character two someone who hides them, someone who is chasing them, or just someone who tags along for whatever reason? What happens when character one ends up endangering character two?

"He's gonna fight the good fight."

Character one

is holding a gun to character two's head. How did they get themselves in this situation? What are character one's motivations, and how is character two reacting? Will they plead and beg for their life or fight with their words? What stops character one from pulling the trigger? Did these characters already know each other or was it a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

"Sometimes trees provide the best company."

Character one is hiding in the woods from something. They could be simply running from their problems or maybe there's something deeper. Maybe character one is in danger. Why did they choose to hide in the woods out of all places, though? The night is foggy and only a small bonfire keeps them warm. How long have they been here? What happened to make them resort to this? Are they lost? Is character two a stranger just so happening to stubble upon character one, or are they a friend looking for their missing companion? Is character two the one that drove character one to run away in the first place? Will character two be lost as well, and if so, how will they find themselves back to civilization? What obstacles will they face should they be lost? Perhaps a thunderstorm. Would they break into a vacant cabin, and how long will the storm last? Will they wait out the storm only to have tensions between the two grow, or will they become closer in their relationship? Will anxiety get to them, and are one of the characters about to have to deal with a panic attack?

"I know it's hard on you. It's hard to fight through these things."

Our characters meet through a bad situation. This could be through something illegal, the drama of life, or maybe a hospital type setting. They continue to be there for each other even as character one improves and

character two

continues to worsen. Through their time spent together, character one has fallen in love with character two. How will character one deal with this? Will they eventually give up on character two or continue to accompany them? If they stayed, would they eventually find their downfall as well because of the influence of character two? Will character one stop loving character two, and will character two ever fall for character one? Is there any hope for them at all?

"It taught me to look past everything. It's expression."

Character one is dragged to a social setting with friends. It's something they avoid doing for whatever reason they may have and don't particularly enjoy. There's one thing about this night, though.

Character two

catches the attention of character one. This could be from afar or character two actually approaching character one. What happens when character two could possibly change character one's life?

"They will never see each other again."

Something happened in character one's past. Something bad. Traumatizing. An event that would plague their conscience for what they can assume to be the rest of their life. It's easy to forget, but in those moments of quiet solitude in the dead of the night, it's there. The memory of what happened, and a face they can't put a name to. It's been so long ago that character one is starting to doubt that the event even happened, but what will ensue when character one meets

character two

, the person they can recognize from their recurrent dreams? What did character two have to do with character one's past after all these years?

"Nowhere in particular."

Character one

is a vagabond of sorts. No job, no money, and supposedly no name. They travel from town to town for only a reason that they know of. What's this character's story? What happens when character one gets into a bad situation, and character two is there to help them? What are character two's motives? How will their relationship grow as they continue to see each other as character one lingers around the town waiting for the time to leave?

"Corrupt wishes."

Character one finds themselves with the possession of a lamp that holds a jinn. How did they come across it? Are they involved with the supernatural or a skeptic who simply bought it at a shady looking shop for home decor? What happens whenever they come do discover just what it holds inside?

Character two

is the jinn that was summoned by character one whether their doing so had been intentional or not. How will character one react to having dealt with the wrong jinn who twists and corrupts their every wish?

"Mother, mother, mother is going."

Character one's mother gets ill. Was this intentional or just bad luck? Whichever it was, this illness spreads. Years pass and this illness has reportedly gone global, becoming more and more severe as time goes on. Researchers are close to finding a cure, but that's when things go downhill. People start dying rapidly, and those who are still healthy struggle to stay as such. They are witnessing the end of history as this plague which had shown up as a simple cough five years ago turned into something much worse. Symptoms can range from insomnia up to insanity. Others begin with nausea and die from dysentery. The list could go on with rashes, fevers, tumors, even necrosis. That's what makes this so hard to cure; the symptoms are so vast. Throughout all this time character one has managed to stay healthy. Maybe they are immune? What happens when they meet

character two

and form a close bond just to witness them fall ill? How will they take it when they come to find out that this disease has supernatural causes, and the cure can be found in character one?

"This wasn't suposed to happen."

For whatever reason bother character one and two are in the woods, unaware of each other. Do they know each other or are they complete strangers? What happens when

character one

shoots down another character? Did they know this person and why did it happen? Did character two witness it, know the person, or find character one suspiciously nervous and bloody at a later time?

"It's terrifying. That's all I can really say."

Experiencing sleep paralysis can be one of the most uncomfortable things for a person. It can happen whenever your body falls asleep before your mind does or if your mind wakes up before your body. The worst combination can be whenever you startle awake from a nightmare and find yourself experiencing it. During sleep paralysis you cannot move yet are wide awake and can experience vivid hallucinations and a feeling of a weight being on their chest, creating a feeling of difficulty while breathing. This happens to character one. Maybe this is the first time or the thousandth time they've experienced this, but this time it's different. Character one finds themselves stuck in a dream despite being awake. They suddenly see what happens in other dimensions, witnessing the ghosts of those passed or maybe even demons. People around character one don't seem to notice them except for character two. What is the cause of this and how will they fix things?

Thanks for taking the time to read! If you're up for writing with me, just send me a pm.
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Oh my goodness! Finally someone who enjoys length! I need to RP with you.

Five paragraphs? No problem. I write more than that on average and I've been waiting for someone like you to post here.

I tend to play female characters, but I want to point out that doesn't mean I want romance (I'm not against it, I just don't want it to be the main focus, nor do I want it to be forced or planned, because that will usually turn me away from the RP and make me lose interest). I'm looking for a good, interesting story that's pleasant to read and that has plenty of twists and turns. Usually I don't like planning ahead a whole lot since I enjoy the suspense of what the other player will decide to do.

Oh, and I'm most intrigued and have some ideas for one, three and five.
I could be character 2 in idea 7! I have a character I'd really like to use.
"The will never see each other again" sounds amazing! I would definitely love to write this idea with you. Glad to have found you, post and lengths with correct grammar and spelling is definitely a must! There's something about this idea that seem to be so mysterious. Do you have a cerstain idea for what that PAST for character one is? Or is that open to come up with something? I would love to hear from you ^_^
I definitely love number three, "You know the devil never dies? He keeps coming back, and you just have to keep killing him." If you haven't found any partner yet, I would love to hear back from you. Also, I like your requirements! It's good to find someone who enjoys long post! I think I can fulfill all your requirements. I can already form a character in my head, so please give me a call! Thank you! :D

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