Looking for active partners :), always open


Lost in my field of paper flowers
'm searching for people who are willing to contribute to my stories, people that are willing to experiment with pairings and people that are willing to actually spend some time writing a story. Lately it has been really hard for me to find good partners, for reasons that I do not know. I always try to be nice, but maybe I just talk too much. I just want to get to know my partners and have fun while making a roleplay, I must say that I'm not native in English and so that means that I still make some errors. But that's only human right? Well that's all that I'm going to tell you about myself, apart from the fact that I'm a female but that I play both roles and that I do MxF. I might do MxM or FxF but then there has to be a good plot.

Now I'm actually just babbling but I just want you guys to know that I prefer someone that is pretty decent in writing and that they can at least give me something to work with. Usually I post around three to four paragraphs in a good length but I can give more if my partner gives me more. It just all depends on what I get, what I don't want is someone who only gives me 1 sentence or 1 paragraph when I obviously gave you more. At least tell me when you don't like a rp, and please also tell me when you can't post for a while. That is also decent I assume.

Craving a beauty and the best rp or a twilight one :) .

Okay a bit of my rules then:

  • Please try to post at least 2 paragraphs or at least try one decent one. No one liners please
  • Mistakes can happen but try to use good grammar
  • Try to reply every day and if you can't please warn me
  • I'm willing to do above pg13 but then we can't break the rules. A rp in messages might be better.
  • Please talk to me, I won't bite
  • Don't mod my character, I just cant stand it
  • No one liners please! There is no fun if you just post one line
  • Be creative and add something to the story
  • Please help me think of a good plot.

Alright enough about the endless rambling that probably scared some people away. On with my ideas!!!

I am looking for someone who is able to reply to the post I gave here, that there are around 3 paragraphs at least and that you are playing a male. I was thinking that the guy could be rock artist or an agent who finds her.


Lillith Lynn Hale


Lillith only lived when she was on stage, when she was finally accepted for who she was. Where she could be whoever she wanted without having to think about what others thought. She just wanted to be herself but sadly society didn't allow it, they always had remarks about the way she talked, sang and even dressed. If she could, she would always wear her own made clothes in school but the dresscode wouldn't allow it, no according to them it was satanic and it would evoke violence from others. To her that was just bullshit, she could just wear whatever the hell she wanted, couldn't she? At the start she had done just that, ignoring all the people in the hallways that would laugh at her or make remarks, she wore what she wanted and that made her happy. At least that was until the teachers kept giving her detention, making her unable to do her hobby. That hobby that existed of singing and making her own music. Because of those teachers she couldn't meet with her band and sing, and that was what she wanted. Her dream was to become a singer. Not just any singer, but the first well known female vocalist in rock and she was going to do just that. She already had a name for her band, she already had songs and she already knew that she wanted to sing in that genre. She wanted to sing depressing songs like Mozart had done in his own time, she was going to be whoever she wanted and she was going to sing whatever the hell she wished to sing.

Though the truth was very different, in her mind she was strong and confident but once she ventured outside she was quite scared and silent. She didn't dare to speak up because that would only mean that she was going to be laughed at again, just like everyone did even her own parents. She had no one, that was a fact, she only had her music and the bands that she listened to. She actually felt like no one cared about her, that she was all alone. At least that was what she thought until she had started to sing at the local Rock Cafe, it was a pub where people kept asking her back. Now she was singing there every Friday, always at the same hour and it seemed like more and more people seemed to be coming to look for her. In the Cafe it wasn't allowed to write, record or photograph things, just to protect the artists their work form being stolen. She actually appreciated that and she kept going back there because she was actually earning money with her hobby. A small part of her dream had actually come true.

Today was yet another day, or at leas that was what everyone thought. She was supposed to go to a rockband of her favorite artist but the rock cafe needed her, they needed her to take over from a girl that was sick. She had tried to say no but they offered her to get a job there, a job that was much needed since she always had to take care of herself. Her parents had kicked her out, they had told her that she was old enough to take care of herself and they didn't want her to stay under their roof while practicing her music. Which made it very hard for her to combine her hobby with a job and her studies. But she had managed so far, she just needed to be strong and then everything would be all right. Even when she was now working at the local cafe, not far from the concert that she had missed. To her it was awful but that was the way life was, it wasn't fair and you just needed to be strong and move on.

It was a long day and when the clock finally struck 11 pm she smiled widely and got from behind the bar, making her way to the stage as she looked at the band that she always played with. It wasn't her own band but they practiced enough so they knew what she wanted, they always knew what they wanted to make the song sound like. They knew how to make her voice sound amazing, giving her wings while she was on the stage. She actually had put on some black corset dress, one that would actually suit her. One that she had made herself. She was glad to bring her new song and she hoped that one day someone would find that she had the voice, even when so many producers had actually turned her down because she didn't want to play with men.

Dress and music from Amy Lee

Song that she is singing: Made of Stone - Evanescence (also her bandname)



A celebrity male or female is trying to hide from his/her life in the spotlight. For some reason, stalker/being bored/being bored of it all and wants to be normal again. He/she has changed the appearance and he/she is actually moving to some town. For the female celebrity I was thinking that she could go back to the town that she grew up in, always using an alias and having her mother making her do things. She goes there to forget about it all, running from her mother and meeting her old crush again. We could also have it that the girls is just a fan of the celebrity and that she happens to be with him on the plane, not believing that he would actually take the plane and telling the celebrity that her mother is making her do thing, that her mother wants her to be famous but that she just wants to sing. Well, it can be any story you can think of with me. As long as it has some huge drama.

I had this idea for a rp that came to me by listening to the song concrete angel by Martina McBride, it about a girl that is abused and then the idea came to me.

A man used to date a woman and the woman was pregnant, she never wanted the child and left the child beaten and bruised on the street. A few hours pass and my 18 year old girl finds the little girl and takes her to the hospital, no-one come looking for the little girl and she tries to gain the trust of that child. Slowly he 3 year old grows close with my girl and eventually she adopts the child and when the child turns 5 she starts looking for the parents. She just wants to know who they are and eventually she gets a lead on where the father off the child lives.

But then they found out that the real mother off the child filled in a false report and the father thinks the child is either missing, kidnapped or killed.

What I wanted is that the girl finds the child his grandparents and that she grows close to the family and the father off the child while they deal with the mother who pretends to love the child but the child is terrified off the mother.

The world has changed, vampires have take over the world and they are slowly taking humans from their homes. Taking them so they become a blood and body slave, so the humans will crave the bite of a vampire which is a very powerful drug. Humans will start to love the venom of a vampire and eventually they will do anything. Two vampires where one of them is a sire have taken yet another flock of humans, putting them in cages before their training. But what happens when the sire takes a liking to one of the slaves? Well he marks her as his own but the girl doesn't want anything to do with him, she hates the vampire ever since they took control.

What happens when the newblood vampire finds his fiance in the cages?

Well this is just the basic idea and i'm open to changes.

And for vampires i was thinking more like true blood/underworld vampires.

Like this man and woman are what they know as immortal souls. Souls that never leave the earth and once they found each other they always wake nd get born together. But in 1823 something happens and the girl wakes up without him, she looks for him for ages and the moment that she gives up looking for her soulmate and then ot is when she spots him looking exactly the same as 200 years ago and he doesn't remember her.

Vincent and Hannah have been best friends since they were twelve, always doing things together. Studying together and even living in the same dorm as students. Though Vincent went to the army and became a soldier as Hannah always supported him. Hannah always loved him and decided to tell him before he went to the army but then he found a girl. They now are in their late twenties and he is a soldier who is engaged to another woman and Hannah always has been supportive of him. She even started a life with a an but lately he became extremely controlling and hits her when she dares to dress in anything else then hoodies and baggy jeans when he isn't there. She has to do the home perfectly, but she keeps the smile on her face. Hiding what her boyfriend does as much as possible, the man also never approves of her friendship with Vincent. But then something happens to Vincent on duty, like he became limp and is unable to stay a soldier, making him go home early and making him find his girlfriend with another woman, she was cheating on him for ages and so he goes to Hannah who actually is home alone then.

The world is normal, at least that is what it looks like to human beings. But there is a secret world of vampire and werewolves that are fighting underground. though they try to stay clear of each other. So my idea is that either a vampire or werewolf actually smells a human and decides that he/she wants the human to be his. Kidnapping the human for unknown purposes.

All over the country, humans are invited to a party that is very exclusive. A party that is actually a secretgathering of vampires who search for a human to keep. They pick one human and keep them with them as a companion to be drinking of. There is only one major Rule, you can't fall in love with the human.

All right that was it for my ideas, now here are some of the pairings that I would like to do.

[*]Taboo pairings, you need a plot for this and I will probably like it.

[*]Something with a ranch and horses


[*]best friend female/best friend male

[*]cops daughter/badboy

[*]Rich woman/homeless man (plot in mind)

[*]girl/best friends boyfriend



[*]Boss employe



[*]Old friends

[*]Teacher x Student

[*]Getting Over a First Love



[*]One night stand leading to more

[*]Girl pretending to be boy in male boyband.

[*]Student seducing teacher





[*]vampire/werewolf (underwold type)







[*]Hunter/supernatural creature


[*]Future setting






[*]gladiator/ceasars daughter


[*]cold bachelor/girl working for him

[*]prince/girl living seperated from the wold

[*]arranged marriage



[*]Showgirl/guy she knows


[*]Person from the Past x Present Day Person




[*]Showgirl/old friend

Beauty and the beast (tvshow)

Ghost Whisperer (Tvshow)

Harry Potter (movie )

Twilight (Books)

The vampire Diaries (Tv-show)

Once upon a Time (Tv-show)

Underworld (movies)

True Blood (Tv-show)

Heroes (Tv-show)

The 4400 (tv-show)

X-men (Movies)

Bones (tv-show)

Nothing Hill (Movie)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv-show)

Charmed (tv-show)

Resident Evil (movies)

V (The visitors) (Tvshow)

Under the dome (Tvshow: Newly added)

Interview with the vampire (Movie)

Lord of the rings (Movies)

The Hobbit

Criminal Minds


Pretty little liars (first season)

Remember Me (Movie and book Of C.Pike)

Anthony Horrowitz books

Poe books



The Birds

All Right, that is all that I can think of now, but I'm always interested in more of your ideas :) And sorry for the mistakes that I might have made I made this late in the evening. I hope to hear from you people!

In the last month real life stuff came in the way parents splitting up, boyfriend problems, muse problems, I also had a month of examinations. I'm sorry I wasn't able to to reply and I didn't post this thread until this day. Since I now have time, I will be able to post more frequent so please do tell me your ideas to.
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Hrm....If you're still accepting people, I kind of want to do the vampire Rp that resembles True Blood, with its own little twist...And for some reason the Vincent/Hannah Rp looks interesting too, like Vincent desperately needs therapy and that kinda makes me want to make the rp happen lol I can roleplay as the male or the female whatever is more convenient for you, and I post in paragraphs although I try not to go over three because then it just gets long and tedious to write.
HeartBrokenIceQueen said:
I´m totally up for Underworld! MICHEAL IS MY MAN! <33
No Micheal is mine!!! No he's awesome. I just adore Selene and I wanted to do a rp with her for ages. Want to discuss things in messages?
xD You wish he was yours :P Anyways, yeah discussion in the convos... I´ll do my best to reply but since it's getting late and I have school tmrw I'll have to leave... TT.TT
HeartBrokenIceQueen said:
xD You wish he was yours :P Anyways, yeah discussion in the convos... I´ll do my best to reply but since it's getting late and I have school tmrw I'll have to leave... TT.TT
np, it seems ike you're around the same timezone as me. So want me to sent you a message or will you shoot me one?
*Car is heard approaching before it smashes through the wall of the Thread revealing Dead as the driver who looks around before eyes widen*

Hey! I know you from Roleplayer Guild!! Anyway I have an idea for a V story
Z2010Deadmeat said:
*Car is heard approaching before it smashes through the wall of the Thread revealing Dead as the driver who looks around before eyes widen*
Hey! I know you from Roleplayer Guild!! Anyway I have an idea for a V story
@Z2010Deadmeat that would be awesome and I am indeed from the guild as well. Please do sent me a message :P

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