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Looking for a partnerrr

Hey there, I was wondering if "Dont Talk to Strangers" is still open to roleplay? O u o
ForsakenWings said:
Hey there, I was wondering if "Dont Talk to Strangers" is still open to roleplay? O u o
Yes, it is OuO

Hello //shakes hand

We could make a separate thread and discuss it there if you like (but could you make the thread because I just made two new ones in a row ;u; just title it Don't Talk To Strangers and tag me)
minokawa said:
Well then, we'll consider it fantasy (B')
I've never written apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic things, and I wrote a thing once (and never ended up finishing it ;u;) that maybe might be considered as sci-fi? I don't have much experience with it. I've read a lot of 'em though (well, if the Divergent series and Reboot and Unwind count as sci-fi)

I'd love to try with you though 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Absolutely! I'd love to try either of the ones you've listed up there. We can always discuss possible plots that we find interesting, so we're never stuck to one exact thing. ( :) )

I've written pretty much all of the above save for mystery. Mainly my interests lie around conflicts of interest between characters, and it's for that reason that I like your Rapscallion idea. It's simple to chisel in ideas into a world for roleplay, so I think we can really make it work! (Yes, yes - we'll call it fantasy. That sounds a little easier on the ego than admitting to my lack of historical knowledge. )
minokawa said:
So um
First thing's first

Right now, at the time of posting, my account here is still a little chicklette (chicklet? chick?? chicky??? anyway, it's a little baby), so I can't really pm anyone at the moment ;u; my apologies

That aside, I'm looking for a role play partner to, well, role play with. Said partner (possibly you) must understand that there'll be days where I can't reply and days where I reply very frequently. This is due to school coming back. I also do other things aside from role playing, so there's that to account for.

I'm looking for:

  • someone who has proper grammar and punctuation, though I'm not too strict about it; as long as we understand each other, it's okay c:
  • someone who won't leave me with one-liners; please give me something to work off of.
  • someone who doesn't mind oocs scattered here and there
  • someone who'd be cool with being friends with me (because if we're going to be writing something together, we might as well makes friends, right?)
  • someone who doesn't mind if sometimes my replies are several paragraphs long or just one (it'll all depend on my availability, mood, and motivation; I'll try though)

I'm fine with a little god-modding (like, maybe you made my character look at something, or say a brief comment or jump out of the way of something) as long as it doesn't go overboard and stays within the grounds of whatever my character did in my post/and stays consistent with his/her personality/attitude. If you prefer to have 0% of that, that's perfectly fine, too c:

I won't do things that involve abuse, incest, or anything else of the like.

I'm fine with all gender pairings and with playing any gender

You can play as many characters you want so long as you can keep track of them and handle them, but please do focus on the mc c:


Circus Boy(/Girl?/Individual???)

Your character is, for reasons you can decide yourself, now joining a travelling circus. He/she/they are greeted with mixed emotions. My character seems to have a particular dislike for the new arrival until the circus' first moving-day bonfire...


In order to get to know her subjects better, my character, the young queen of a kingdom, escapes nightly into the streets outside the castle walls. She comes upon a common thief stealing food from a stall as it's closing up...

Don't Talk To Strangers

A letter appears in your character's mailbox one day stating your acceptance to Esquivel's School for the Strange. Your character doesn't remember applying to the school, nor does mine. They do, however, posses little abnormalities, strange qualities you could say, that they never paid much mind to. They both get shipped off together in the same cloaked vehicle (y'know, like, invisibility cloaking)
You could also pitch in your own ideas

Or we could brainstorm a little

Or just go with a basic plot, kick it off, and see where it goes c:
Hi there, i don't know if you are still looking, but if you are, i would be more then happy to start a rp with you.

And i would love to be your friend, its always nice to get to know the person that you are roleplaying with.

I find all your plots very interesting, and i would love to start a rp with you, with the plot nr. 1(We could take another one, i don't mind)

When it comes to the characters, i don't really mind playing any genders, but right at the moment i do enjoy MxM xD
minokawa said:
Yes, it is OuO
Hello //shakes hand

We could make a separate thread and discuss it there if you like (but could you make the thread because I just made two new ones in a row ;u; just title it Don't Talk To Strangers and tag me)
Hi there!!!

And I actually don't usually use the threads. Are you able to PM just yet? If not, I can try to make a thread. o u o
minokawa said:
(Same here =u= ;)
I love mystery, but I don't think I could ever write mystery. Maybe I could partake in mystery if someone else is the game master; then I just have to solve puzzles or something.

Do you wanna make a thread to discuss possible plotlines? c:


Can't yet unfortunately :c If you could, that'd be great c:

We can move it to PM when I'm able to if you want


Oh I'm not exactly not looking c:

Someone's asked about the first plot, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet

Gonna follow him up in a moment though

We could definitely discuss a plotline, though c: I love circus-y stuff

We could totally do MxM ~


https://www.rpnation.com/threads/circus-boy.119910/ if you're still interested? c:
Hahaha xD

Oh okay, I understand ^^

Should we discuss it here, or over PM? I don't minde either of them :3
[QUOTE="Alex Black]Hahaha xD
Oh okay, I understand ^^

Should we discuss it here, or over PM? I don't minde either of them :3

Here for now I guess c: I can't PM yet

I should be able to in a few hours tho
minokawa said:
Here for now I guess c: I can't PM yet
I should be able to in a few hours tho
Oh that 10/24 Think, i have ben there ^^

So, any ideas?

Oh, and just to let you know, im very very bad at being the dominant one xD
[QUOTE="Alex Black]Oh that 10/24 Think, i have ben there ^^
So, any ideas?

Oh, and just to let you know, im very very bad at being the dominant one xD

Ah that's fine CX I can totally pull off a seke


I don't have any ideas for plotlines at the moment... a prompt, maybe

Maybe we could work off a prompt or two or maybe try to form a possible plotline using one? c:


C1 walks into bookstore and happens to knock a bunch of books onto C2 or something

LittleDreamerOfSorts said:
I'm interested in roleplaying "Rapscallion" with you.
I'm currently roleplaying Rapscallion with someone :c We could work a plot similar to it though, if you don't mind a little brainstorming c:
LittleDreamerOfSorts said:
Sure, if you want.
Do you want to though? ;u; I don't want to have someone do something with me that they don't want to do

How do you feel about working with prompts??
minokawa said:
Ah that's fine CX I can totally pull off a seke

I don't have any ideas for plotlines at the moment... a prompt, maybe

Maybe we could work off a prompt or two or maybe try to form a possible plotline using one? c:


C1 walks into bookstore and happens to knock a bunch of books onto C2 or something

I'm currently roleplaying Rapscallion with someone :c We could work a plot similar to it though, if you don't mind a little brainstorming c:
hehehe, all my characters are always uke xD

ehm i'm not quite sure what you mean by prompt, im sorry please dont hate me :c
minokawa said:
Ah no no I don't hate you ;m;
Prompts are like

one or two-liners that you use to start of a story

For example: They didn't expect her home until 12 am.

And then you continue from there c:

@LittleDreamerOfSorts ^^^ c:
Thank you for not hating me, i think you are the only one xD

Oh, i understand now, sure we can do that, sounds great to me.

Should we just take the one that you had made: "C1 walks into bookstore and happens to knock a bunch of books onto C2 or something"?

Its fine for me ^^
LittleDreamerOfSorts said:
I've never worked with prompts before, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Cool, cool

So um

Maybe I could give you a little list of prompts and you can choose? c: The role play itself won't be too formal

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the light, but those eyes had her falling in an instant. Quite literally.

The last thing she expected to get today was a dog.

As fate would have it, he met her the day he decided to wear a carrot onesie to the mall.

She had forgotten all about him at this point until today: standing in the hallway in front of her corridor was the ex.

"Haven't these people ever heard of restocking the store?" asked the person in front of ___, turning a melon over to examine it.

[QUOTE="Alex Black]Thank you for not hating me, i think you are the only one xD
Oh, i understand now, sure we can do that, sounds great to me.

Should we just take the one that you had made: "C1 walks into bookstore and happens to knock a bunch of books onto C2 or something"?

Its fine for me ^^

That's cool c: Which of us will start the thread?
minokawa said:
Cool, cool
So um

Maybe I could give you a little list of prompts and you can choose? c: The role play itself won't be too formal

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the light, but those eyes had her falling in an instant. Quite literally.

The last thing she expected to get today was a dog.

As fate would have it, he met her the day he decided to wear a carrot onesie to the mall.

She had forgotten all about him at this point until today: standing in the hallway in front of her corridor was the ex.

"Haven't these people ever heard of restocking the store?" asked the person in front of ___, turning a melon over to examine it.

That's cool c: Which of us will start the thread?
Im having breakfast now, so if you would start, i will reply eight when i get back ^^

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