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Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner : )


New Member
Hiya! I haven't roleplayed in a long time but I am looking for a possible partner(s) to get me back into the groove. Although I haven't roleplayed in about a year, I used to roleplay daily for 9 other years of my life. It used to be really cringey, but I think I write a lot better now, although my English is starting to falter. Hopefully, it doesn't get too bad. So here is a little about me

  • I am currently 19 years old (just turned 19 in January)​
  • I am an American living in Germany but my German isn't so good tbh​
  • I lived in Spain last year, so I know Spanish, but I am losing it the more I learn German​
  • I love Steven Universe, The Adventure Zone and Game of Thrones, however, I have never actually roleplayed them before.​
  • I absolutely love OCs, especially mine​
  • Musicals are top tier, give me a musical I might know it​
  • I really want to get into Dungeons and Dragons but that's a whole different topic​
Now onto what I roleplay

  • Historical Fiction (Medieval, Renaissance, and 1920s - 1940s)​
  • Fantasy (Typical Fantasy, Steampunk, etc.)​
  • Slice of Life with a little Spice​
  • I really want to do a school based around Shapeshifting ( I have a whole plot based off of it, and it's more of a group roleplay)​
  • I have multiple starters, probably some that need some work, but they are all mostly different​
  • I have a lot of one on one roleplay ideas, but also a ton of group roleplays​
  • Most of these aren't what I roleplay, goodjobme​
If you are interested at all, please feel free to dm me and/or comment below : )​
Do you do historical romance? If so, I'd love to do something with you set somewhere in 1920s-1940s :)
What kind of era do you like? One of my favorites is Scotland before the Jacobite Rising (i'm a big fan of Outlander), but I'm really up for almost any era.
either victorian era or medieval era is fine with me, I would like to either be a butler or a lost fairy prince trying to find his parents
I love historical romance! I mean, some slow burn romance based in the 20s-40s would be amazing. Do you have anything in mind?
I looove slow burn. Yup! I was thinking maybe we could do an arranged marriage plot or maybe something set in an orphanage?
I’d love a good romance set in between the 20’s through the 40’s and have one particular idea in mind! If maybe you’d want to read it, let me know!!

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