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Your Text Based Necromancer
Hey, I'm HoodedMage. I've been RPing for 3-4 years now though it's been on and off. I don't really mind small grammar mistakes, as long as it's not broken English. Otherwise, I fine with occasional mistakes.

As for length, I usually write anywhere from 3-4 meaty paragraphs on a minimum. As long as the responses aren't 3-4 sentences I'm okay with someone replying with 2 paragraphs but they need to be about 5 sentences each.

Bold options in the idea section are my preferred role.


  • Dragon Age
  • Mass Effect
  • Pokemon
  • Steven Universe
  • Inuyasha


  • Abused x Abuser
  • Demon x Summoner
  • Supernatural Creature x Hunter
  • Stalker x Victim
  • Psychopath x Therapist
  • Priest x Nonbeliever
  • Murder x Victim
  • Inmate x Guard
  • Royalty x Knight

So, if you're interested just comment below or message me since I can't message people yet till 24 hours pass.
Hello, I'm new to the site, so please pardon any mistakes I make involving that matter, as well as my ignorance of how the site works.

I'm interested in a roleplay with you if at all possible, although I must ask, out of curiosity, how would you roleplay a murderer and that murderer's victim? Would the victim be a ghost? O.o

As it is, I'm interested in the inmate x guard idea, but could I maybe add a twist to the plot?

I was thinking, I could play a male child inmate who is 14 or so years old and was charged with murdering his own grandparents when he went to stay with them one night. As it turns out, his grandparents were very strict, and according to his mom, he disliked his grandparents greatly. However, ever since the incident, he'd become very quiet, and he'd often go into a daze for hours, staring off into space. His parents claim that he used to be very cheery and bubbly, despite having Dyslexia and often being bullied in school. Both his parents are very surprised that he'd do this, despite his dislike for his grandparents and his troubled conditions. He was reported to have used his grandfather's handgun to shoot his grandmother, and when his grandfather, who used to be a police officer, managed to get the gun away from the child, the grandfather had not yet seen his wife's body and believed that he had just found the gun and accidentally fired it, or had been playing with it, as they were in separate rooms. The grandfather was scolding the child when he ran into the kitchen and the grandfather followed, thinking he was trying to run away from the lecture. When the grandfather entered the kitchen, he froze in place as he saw his wife's body on the floor, and was shortly after stabbed by the child with the largest kitchen knife they had, once in the abdomen, and once in the heart.

The roleplay takes place three days after the crime was committed, and the child is being held in a child correctional facility until a further decision on where to put him could be made. You would play as his newly assigned guard, who was also given an extra task. Unbeknownst to both the administration of the child correction facility and to the child, the lawyer that would be defending the child in his trial happened to be a friend of the child's parents. His parents, upon finding out who the lawyer is, pleaded with the lawyer to find out why the child had done what he did. The lawyer claimed he would do his best, and approached your character, the guard, and asked him/her to gather information on the child for the lawyer, as a personal favor, rather than part of his job. While you, the guard, have a strong hate for anyone who commits a crime, fueled by your personal sense of justice, the lawyer made a very convincing argument that pulled at your heart strings involving how the parents would feel if they were left in the dark about the reasoning behind the child's sudden outburst. And so, while struggling to set aside your own hate for the child, you agreed to attempt to gather the information they wanted, while trying to make sure no one notices your prying as if they did, and you were confronted about it, then the lawyer's actions could end up in the loss of the lawyer's job as they'd be accused of becoming too personally attached to the person they're defending.

The child is being held separately from the other children in the correction facility as the severity of his crimes are much more significant, and his security is much tighter. You are required to watch him at all times, even when he is in his cell, however, because he is a child and they do not want to damage his psychological health further than it may already be, they attempt to make the cell comfortable, with toys and other items being allowed to be brought in, and it's not uncommon for guards to play with the child, thus providing you opportunities to question the child without seeming too suspicious. You used to work at a prison for adult criminals and was temporarily reassigned to this facility because the facility did not have any guards already employed that were trained well enough to satisfy the requirements of the child's case. As such, it took three days for your reassignment to take place, and up until that point two substitute guards had been watching him but were prohibited to open the cell, while you would be allowed to take him on walks around the facility and the such, as long as permission was requested beforehand. At the start of the roleplay, you'd be meeting the child for the first time.

Wow. O.o I hadn't intended for this to become so long. We can move this conversation to PMs if you like. :/

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