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Looking for a partner :'D

Amberbaby20 said:
goodness you have enough people to start a group if you wanted. I liked the gangmember idea, but would like it to take place durring the 20's, like a mob almost rather than a gang.
At this rate, I might! Ha ha OTL.

I'm not too familiar with the tradition mafia 1920s setting but I'm willing to try. Is there a plot you had in mind or any characters you would like to play?
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Kind of princess? She's stubborn and free willed, really. Doesn't like the rules. ;)

I know what to do then. I'll throw you a PM or would you rather do that instead?


[QUOTE="Mia Moulop]I'll do the skeleton. :) I prefer real life pictures.





I'll start on mine in a minute.

Thank you.


[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]PEARL, BAE.

[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Could you? Please?

If you don't mind waiting; I have at least three posts to type :c
That's fine. Take your time, but please don't be offended if I don't answer right away. It's 1125 pm.
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]That's fine. Take your time, but please don't be offended if I don't answer right away. It's 1125 pm.

I think I will appreciate the slowness; it's 1am here. :'D


rbshinichi said:
Whoa... Let me know what you think about it first..
I sort of just did???? @___@ By asking you questions? Shouldn't that imply that I'm showing interest. DX


[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]IK IK

Not really. LOL it sounded as if you're badgering a witness on the stand. LOL

Anyhow, my character would be a straight male, he just made detective. So he's eager and fearless. They don't know each other, his challenge is to pick out the cop from all the criminals he is investigating and going to work with while he's undercover. THe rp will be romantic drama. And I post at least one good paragraph, and would like to use anime pics. Does that cover your basic requirements?
rbshinichi said:
Not really. LOL it sounded as if you're badgering a witness on the stand. LOL
Anyhow, my character would be a straight male, he just made detective. So he's eager and fearless. They don't know each other, his challenge is to pick out the cop from all the criminals he is investigating and going to work with while he's undercover. THe rp will be romantic drama. And I post at least one good paragraph, and would like to use anime pics. Does that cover your basic requirements?
I'm sorry DX I just wanted to know the details so I know how to start the RP.

They will be associates eventually? I assume that the undercover will be very reluctant to divulge her identity since that could jeopardize her entire mission?

Would you like to post first or do I post first? How are we starting? Their first meeting ever and they're just head butting each other or perhaps the undercover is caught committing a crime?

One paragraph is a go for me. Anime pictures too. Did you wanted the pic to be accompanied in the post or just up in that character sign-up tab? Thread or PM? Sorry if I'm asking so many questions 8U;;


[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Omg...take your time.

Because I just signed up on this site, I am unable to PM you, could you throw me a PM please? Also, we're going to have the knight and princess meet the first time right?
Haha lol it's okay.. :)

yup they will be associates in the criminal world, but neither would know that the other is a cop because well, you know why.

A character sheet will be helpful but just putting it up on the first post also works. And PM will be better so the violence and such would have no limits.
rbshinichi said:
Haha lol it's okay.. :)
yup they will be associates in the criminal world, but neither would know that the other is a cop because well, you know why.

A character sheet will be helpful but just putting it up on the first post also works. And PM will be better so the violence and such would have no limits.
Are they going to be associates because the undercover cop messed up with a crime and was forced to cooperate with the detective as his informant or will the detective eventually discover the undercover's identity and then they work together in the criminal world?

Yes, a character sheet would be godsend. Would it be okay if I let you do the profile skeleton? I just joined a few hours ago so I can't throw a PM your way, would it be possible for you to do that as well?

(I jizzed a bit when I saw the word violence, thank you for that).


Yuuki of the Strata] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13084-pearlholy/ said:
This thread thing. The search threads. xD

Also, I keep seeing Yuuki's name and getting confused. xD ;;
Dearest, I assure you, you're not the only one. I was slightly taken aback when I saw another Yuuki. But you will 5evar be my fav Yuuki bae<3

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