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Looking for a Parter | Semi to Advanced


New Member
You ready for this?

Imagine a thread where people spend more time on the "Lore" tab than on their initial post. Imagine an intricate plot with detailed characters before you start to role-play. Imagine being able to experience a world made by your own hands.

That's what I'm offering.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love fast-paced RP's as much as the next person; the story takes twists that I doubt any of the authors would have envisioned. It's fun. But there are days when the random bickering between characters just doesn't cut it. I've seen too often a thread where it starts promising, but within the first ten pages, all suspense and action has completely died off because--surprise!--no one plotted anything so everyone is hopelessly lost. If you haven't experienced this, well, lucky for you. Because it's frustrating.

Thing is, good planning--real planning--takes time, and who wants to invest hours of hard work and dedication into something that might not even get off the ground? You can say it how you like, but actual plotting takes some grit and determination. Not that it can't be fun. (:

So, why am I here? You've probably guessed why. I'd like to find a person who's as serious about plotting as I am, one who won't quit on me after a week. If I'm to be completely honest, I'll say that I visit RpNation daily-ish, but my posts would come less frequently, maybe only a few times a week. I don't have any RP's on this site, or at least I haven't for many many months, but if you want an example of my writing style, I'll put it in the spoiler below. Anyone who's plotted before knows that, sometimes, it's more fun than the actual RP itself. Key word: sometimes. World-building, character development, plot twists, all that jazz. Don't worry. It's not nearly as hard as it sounds, and in the end, you end up with a pretty fantastic story line to follow. But you knew that.


Due to time constraints, I can only pick one partner. Sorry for any convenience this causes anyone.

That morning, much like any other Leaf-fall morning, started with the sun cresting over the large forest, bathing the secluded camp in a bright, golden glow. A few cats milled about, chatting to each other or aimlessly wandering, but nothing unusual. Somewhere nearby, Blazingpaw heard the high-pitched chirps as a pair of bluejays flew teasingly above their heads, protected by the leaves and branches that separated them.

It was a good morning - a peaceful morning.

Stretching, the orange apprentice rose out of her small, mossy nest and padded out into the clearing. Well,
clearing was a strong word for it. Maybe something more along the lines of a somewhat open patch of forest, or the only place where fifteen trees weren't battling to grow in the same place. For StarClan's sake, there was a full-grown bush right next to the Warrior Den, and it didn't even do anything! It just kind of sat there like some bored-looking cat. Not to mention that the Apprentice Den was a tree - literally a tree. She'd thought it was cool watching the apprentices go up and down every day, but now that she had to do it herself, she knew it wasn't nearly as fun actually doing it.

Wasn't she supposed to be doing some apprentice duty or something? Skyfall would be furious if he found Blazingpaw gone, and she could
not take another week of finding the fleas for the elders; she almost swore she could still taste the sour, pungent bite of mousebile on her tongue. But . . . the sun was already up. And no one had called her. Blazingpaw rolled her eyes. Whatever. It was beautiful dawn, if a bit chilly, and she wasn't about to waste it.

Almost immediately after stepping out of the den, she noticed Rainkit peeking his head out of the nursery. Was he . . . watching Raggedstar? She smiled softly. Yes, he was. So cute. And to think that I shared the same den with him only four moons ago! He was so tiny then, like a tiny boulder with a pair of blue eyes. He must've grown, though, because he's the same size as me, and I'm a lot older. He'll make a great warrior one day.

And then her smile widened. But I'll make a better one!

While she was glad to have moved onto being an apprentice, she sometimes missed being a kit.

"Rainkit!" she called, walking over with that mischievous smile on her face. "Don't tell me you've been spying on the leader again. I'm pretty sure there's something in the warrior code that says 'kits cannot ask their leader more than twenty times a day to become apprentices.' I think." She shrugged lightly. "Either that, or we can banish you from the Clan. Whichever works."
Word Count: 462

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I would love to do this with you!! I love to write plots. Yea fast pace RPs are fun but they can get super frustrating. I would love to do this with you if you will consider me
I can give this a shot. I don't really trust having to create a story with a total stranger, but I'm in a spot right now where I would like to RP a little bit more. I don't mind writing a lot per post, or the pace. I can't answer every day, but I will try to get you an answer at least every two days.
Well, this seems interesting! I do enjoy plotting with people if both persons are willing to put forth the effort and I must say that this does seem like fun! Well, consider me I guess and have fun with someone if you don't :)
Goodness gracious. I didn't expect four responses waiting for me after school. Cool. @Nylana, @Zaxs, @TurtleBay, and @ursaeminorisxxx, I've done a basic profile search through each of you. (And also @WakeUpCrono as he PM'd me.) We're all new players here, aren't we? Well, most of us are, at least.

Anyway, I should have mentioned this in the OP, but I'll announce it now before this gets too much farther. You'll notice in the title it says "Semi to Advanced." I know, I know, I should have clarified. For all intents and purposes, if you wanted to RP with me, you could expect a typical response from me to be between three to five paragraphs, though I'm perfectly comfortable writing upwards of fifteen paragraphs. Three to five paragraphs is about . . . eh, 250 to 500 words, depending on the day. I've been in regular RP's where the word count was 1000+ words consistently, and even one where 3000 words was an average. Anything more than that is really pushing it, but I suppose I could manage.

What am I saying, then? I'm looking for players who can match me. I hope that doesn't seem daunting to anyone. Really, three paragraphs, so long as they're well-done, is perfectly sufficient. Two paragraphs if you're having a bad day. One if you plan to go back and edit it. Because these are on the longer side, I'd only respond a few times a week instead of the typical everyday miniposts kind of thing.

Ah, school. I'd RP with all of you if time allowed, but as things are, one RP partner is all I can manage at the moment.

So! Anyone still here? Did I scare y'all off with these crazy word counts? (For the record, I went back to the spoiler in the OP and added a word count if you wanted a feel for how long 250 to 500 words is.)
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I am thoroughly intrigued by this. It's hard to find a 1 on 1 where the other player cares about the quality of the story.
Hi there, MrMopp. Nice to see more people interested in this. I noticed you had a thread named "The Colosseum," and I have to say, I'm impressed. Not a bad way to start an RP! If I were in that thread, I'd feel pretty intimidated at the moment. (That's a good thing.)

I'm waiting for the others to respond. Don't worry. Shouldn't be long.
Yeeeeaaah, the Colosseum RP didn't exactly take off though. Spent so much time planning after I had peoples attention that they got bored and went away.
I can manage a good length, it really all depends on the story and what needs to be done. My catches, I suppose I would call it that, are that I do want want to be the one leading the charge so to speak, and I have highly irregular work schedule. I have absolutely no problem brainstorming and coming up with plots, and I have scared off some people during this phase. But outside of that, I am very chill about most everything else. I don't what gender, species (though I do prefer humans, or humanoids, it won't hurt my feelings), etc.
I can manage up to 5-7 paragraphs if that's what you're looking for. I like to plot and create new ideas and use research on the side if I can, but I understand :) I haven't been in a lot of rp's lately because of the school work I've had to make up, so I probably won't be on a lot during the week. (Except next week) I could give you an example if you want?
Sorry to hear, MrMopp! You had such a wonderful idea going; it's a shame it didn't kick off.

Turtlebay, I'd be fine with you taking the lead. My school schedule can be somewhat crazy at times, too, so irregular posting times wouldn't be an issue for me. I'm serious. I was once in a thread that posted anywhere between a few times a day to once every few months. Insane, I'll tell you. But unbelievably fun.

And Ursaemnorisxxx, I actually love to research! It really builds a depth to the story that imagination alone can't reach, right? I'd love listening to the plots and ideas you come up with. (:

Oh! And an example would be lovely. Don't worry. Your schedule wouldn't be an issue.

What's up with all these PM's? Honestly?
Oh, whoops! I missed a key word in your response there: not. Well, that's fine, too. I wouldn't mind starting the discussions. So long as I had someone to bounce ideas to, it'll work fine. Sorry for the misinterpretation! I've got to learn to read better. (:
I can manage 3 to 5 paragraphs fairly easily. I have the luxury of being able to get on here while I am at school. I can reply mulitple times a week and many times a day. The word count is honestly no problem for me due to the fact that I am writing papers on a daily basis for my classes. I am truly interested in this.
UltraFomi said:
Sorry to hear, MrMopp! You had such a wonderful idea going; it's a shame it didn't kick off.
Turtlebay, I'd be fine with you taking the lead. My school schedule can be somewhat crazy at times, too, so irregular posting times wouldn't be an issue for me. I'm serious. I was once in a thread that posted anywhere between a few times a day to once every few months. Insane, I'll tell you. But unbelievably fun.

And Ursaemnorisxxx, I actually love to research! It really builds a depth to the story that imagination alone can't reach, right? I'd love listening to the plots and ideas you come up with. (:

Oh! And an example would be lovely. Don't worry. Your schedule wouldn't be an issue.

What's up with all these PM's? Honestly?

I'll do Warriors Cats since you seem to like them

The gentle whispers of the wind blowed across camp, lifting up the small pieces of leaves on the ground and stirring them slightly. The colors flashed in the corner of her eyes and the sweet smell of honey drifted up from her paws and made her smile quietly to herself. The stars in her fur twinkled just as the sky overhead did as the small inprints of cats ran acorss it. The sounds made her jump again for the second time that day as her ears twitched strtangely. It was hard, as she was told, to get used to the sensations of hearing. The sounds of the leaves at first had amazed her as did the sounds of everything else. She was amazed at how light everything felt and how potent and happy everything seemed even after she had left her clan in the hands of her apprentice. The honey on her paw dripped slowly and the familiraity of it all made her heart sting. She missed it, she had told her friend not for the first time, she helping of others and self as they got hurt or needed advice.

Starclan itself was bad per say...just different....the sounds, the sights, and the smells came along with her at every stop and point she made wheater it be near the river or standing on a Windclan hill. Everything was so peaceful as compared to camp life with it's rivalries and hostilies. Even so not every cat felt the same. She had watched with interest the bored expressions of certain faces (particulary those who had died in the midst of a fight) linger over their living clanmates and those mothers who had screamed after learning that they would not see their kits again until their own deaths. It was a sad cycle to watch the mothers fight the urge to jump down from Starclan and visit their kits on a daily basis, but rules were rules and those, unless some calamity was taking place, was not to be broken.

"Why are you still messing with that honey?" A voice on the side of her called out softly. The sound of his words made her smile and look up as her right ear twitched at the sound of his pawsteps.

"Thank you for you're observation, Clearriver, but not every medicine cat habit has left me." she wrapped her tail around her paws and raised her front paw to lick off the excess habit. "Besides, it's tastes good."

Clearriver, a gray tom with amber eyes that flashed everytime someone made a comment about his clan, smirked and sat down on the ight of her. He was taller with a muscular build and whiskers that were longer than normal. "No need to be rude, Ambermist, I was just asking." his voice held a certain tone which she racalled as his way of joking.

She purred softly and set down her paw if only to look up at him. "I understand. How are you so far?" She lowered her voice and watched as his mouth twicthed before answering. It was only a few days after he had died during a raid. The imprint of his scar on his throat was still heaing.

"Fine, I guess. I still miss my brother, but at least he found a mate to keep him company." he looked down for a moment and she wished she hadn't asked.

"That's good. I heard she was due for some kits in the fall. Are you excited?"

Clearriver blinked and laughed shortly as he bumped her with his shoulder. "Of course you would be the first to know, Amber. Out of all medicine cats I would have expcected you to be the first. Yeah, I'm excited. It kinda takes the cake after the win you know? New warriors for the clan."

Ambermist looked down at her paws and purred. "I bet that does...." She wanted to say more, but deicded against it. The battle should have never happened in her opinion and if she had to keep her friend happy and optimistic than she wouldn't say anything about it yet.

"Just sucks that I won't be there you know? I mean after you died the whole clan just kinda...froze. And my death didn't help anyway....ol' Loudfoot kept saying that Riverclan was cursed. Made me want to claw 'im, but then I remembered that I dead."

Ambermist rolled her eyes dramatically and nodded. "Well, what did you expect? Two fine young cats dying only days after one another? Unheard of!"

I didn't know where to make this go, but enjoy I guess.
The PM's? Ah, nothing much. I just don't typically get so many in a day, that's all. Nothing to do with this. Or, at least I think it doesn't. It might . . .

So far, nobody's been bothered by the word count. That's nice. Hard to have nice, advanced role-plays without a paragraph or two, right? Oh! And, ursaeminorisxxx, that was a lovely post. We have two Warriors fans on here? What are the odds! XP

Ah, school. Forcing me to pick and choose between amazing RP-ers . . .
"November break," eh? It's Thanksgiving Break from where I'm from, but it's the same thing, I think. Hallelujah, am I right?

Now, I think I have a partner . . . Oh, goodness. Remember those PM's I mentioned earlier? Yeah. He might be the one.

I feel terribly guilty having to decline so many people a chance to RP. You're all amazing people. But . . . as much as it pains me to say it -- and it hurts a lot -- I might have to say that I've found my partner. Sorry.

Feel free to keep chatting, though! I love chats. (:
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Oh, yes, yes! I totally forgot you guys can pair up with each other. XP Well, MrMopp, I hope you find a partner! You have some of the best people to choose from. (:
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