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Looking for a longterm fantasy-esque multi para partner


resident idiot
Hello! As stated in the title, I'm looking for someone that'll flesh out a great rp with me, preferably for a good while. It should be noted that I am a full time university student, so sometimes I may not have time to reply every single day, but I do stay fairly consistent and will let you know if I have a lot coming up that will prevent me from replying as steadily as before.

Here are just a few requirements I have for any potential partners:

  • Has a semi-regular replying schedule
  • Brainstorms with me!
  • Does NOT godmod 
  • No overly powered characters, 'cutesy' or 'shy' ones, or general stereotypes. The more realistic, the better!

I have a couple ideas to use, which I will post here. I am not opposed to switching things around and changing them to suit individual needs or ideas, they are more like suggestions than anything else.

Ideas 1-4, I would prefer to be Character A. 5 and 6 have more variability!

  1. Character A crashes to Earth and Character B is a fairly isolated scientist that works at the site where A crashed. A and B become something akin to friends, but A reveals soon enough that they are being chased, and that Earth was simply a 'place to die' when their enemy knocked them unconscious and into Earth's atmosphere. Their enemy assumed they would burn up in the atmosphere, but, instead, A made it to the ground and it would only be a matter of time before someone came around to find them. A and B somehow make it out of Earth to other planets and such to evade this enemy, who wants to get rid of the smaller celestial beings in order to take hold of any portions of the universe they can find.
  2. After living a humdrum, monotonous life, Character A decides to do something slightly out of the ordinary and visit a different shop every week after work on Fridays and buy something new. It's the usual: furniture shops, bakeries, dollar stores, antique shops. One Friday in particular, A purchases a large mirror for their bedroom to really make things pop. The shopkeeper warns that, at night, the mirror /must/ be covered up by a cloth, but A believes this to be the droning of silly superstition and pays no mind to it. That night, A sleeps peacefully - only to wake up in the middle of a meadow. The mirror is a portal to another world, and at night, it sucks up whatever living things are on the other side and plops them into an undisclosed location on the other side. Like some kind of Alice in Wonderland, A immediately tries to find civilization, but only comes across a cottage in the woods, where B lives a secluded life as well.
  3. Character A is an extremely powerful esper - their telekinesis is basically unrivaled by many, even though A is a young adult. Character B attempts to kidnap them in order to fulfill a bounty, but A proves to be fairly difficult to manage; not because of their power, but because of their high maintenance tendencies and bratty behavior. Soon enough, A and B find themselves in fairly sticky situations, and they realize that they don't have to be enemies. (Not all the time at least).
  4. (This one is pretty specific in terms of characters) Character A is normal schoolgirl; she goes to class, has a few friends, is an only child, and relatively a happy go lucky type of person. She loves to go out and help with clubs and other usual things for a girl her age. Her parents are prominent businesspeople who are often away for months at a time, though A doesn't mind much at all; she Skypes them and they send her things in the mail fairly often. While away at school, Character B, an alien, promptly sets his ship in a field not too far from A's and begins to snoop about her house. B's planet wishes to better understand humans and one day even be on good terms with Earthlings, but to do so, they decided they should understand basic human things first. B believed the house to be abandoned initially, and began to look around and observe, and when A comes home...she's less than thrilled.
  5. On a relatively isolated Pacific island, Character A washes up an island after their ship is destroyed. There, A realizes that the two main inhabitants of this island are in a 'war' of sorts, though they do not utilize true weapons in the way everyone else would think. Instead, they use energy: telekinesis, controlling elements, whipping electricity between their hands. It's all producing something out of nothing. A is soon enough taken as a captive by one of the inhabitants of the island; Character B tries to shelter A from the war and tries to be as normal as possible, but B actually holds an incredible amount of power that they attempt to hide so as to avoid being in the war because, surprisingly, B is a pacifist.
  6. After the apocalypse, Character A and B believe that they are truly the only ones left. There has been little in terms of any sort of contact with anybody else, and as they move about, trying to make things work, they begin to have the sneaking suspicion that they are not alone. They wander through a forest, which they have been stuck in for at least a day or two, and hope runs thin; A and B are beginning to believe that whatever is watching them is merely awaiting their death, like vultures. Regardless, they attempt to make their way out of that wooded area, only to come across a gigantic castle. And that castle looks like it's having a fucking good time. Music, laughter, and excitable chatter can be heard from the castle, and as the pair approach, they realize that while most humans may be dead, the otherworldly have flourished. Werewolves, vampires, fairies, witches, they all congregate at this one castle to party and get to know one another. Character C stands at the top of the stairs, surveying their party but noticing, along with everyone else, that the newcomers are definitely human.

If any of this strikes your interest, reply here or PM me, I'd love to hear from you!
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Sorry if this reply is super quick. I'm actually just starting out here so I'll be honest and tell you I don't know the entirety of how this site works. But I am really interested in finding an RP partner that likes to do what you listed. I do have lots of experience and I really like your first idea! I think it would be nice to have a chance to play it out with you sometime if you want ^^ 
I would have been interested but you don't like nacro furries since you only want realistic characters which in a fantasy type RP makes no sense to me but whatever, you like what you like so good luck!

I want to wish you the best of luck in finding an RP partner!

I only do roleplays with gay men and I don't know if you're interested in that.

What I want to know though is why Macro over there felt the need to post that? 
@MortyLS I'd love to work something out with you! Let's get the details hashed out in a PM. ^^

@precious little monster RPs with gay men are perfectly fine by me, I haven't too many specifics when it comes to pairings and pairing types. We can move the conversation to a PM if you'd prefer to clarify a potential rp. ^^ I am also a little bit unsure why they posted what they did, but I'm glad someone else is interested! I was worried that I might have said something wrong (I don't frequent this site often and English is not my first language) but hopefully we can get a good rp going. C:

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