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Looking for a Long Term Partner


house judgment scribe

I am very very chilled when it comes to RPing, I don't like to take it too serious but appreciate commitment and stability (in terms of activity). If we end up with plots swaying wildly, characters going all over the place, it's really not a big deal as long as everything makes sense in the end. All I ask is that you're active and have decent grammar and spelling. I'm not too fussed about writing paragraphs and paragraphs each time we reply, so long as there aren't too many one liners.

My Preferences

The one thing I will not do is ROMANCE. I can't do it at all, and I've never been good at it. It'll be painful for both of us if I do anything romantic. Anything else is fair game, though I prefer fantasy/modern settings and have yet to try a variety of genres.

The only fandom I'm willing to do is Pokemon, and even then not as a canon character (because every canon character I've RPed I've butchered horribly, haha.)

I have a handful of fairly well developed characters to use, all male. I tend to mess up female characters as well and generally feel a lot less confident with them.

About Me

I'm 17 and based in the UK. I've been RPing since around 2012, leading a Warrior Cats Clan-fantasy-shapeshifter-mess with two other partners. I loved it and spent hours at a time RPing with them, but now life has gotten in the way and I need something else to sink my time into. I'm pretty keen and dedicated when it comes to RPing, which is part of the reason why I spent so much time doing it when I was younger.

I understand I've got quite a few specifics to be fulfilled, so if you have any further questions, feel free to leave them and I'll answer.
Hello there :D

Do you know how hard it is to find someone who doesn't need romance? Dear Lord..anyway, a few questions...

1) Do the characters need to be classified via Dominant x Submissive?

2) Are you up for less lighthearted roleplays? (E.x No slice of life, anime, more heavy themes, etc)

Hope to hear from you!
StoneWolf18 said:
Hello there :D
Do you know how hard it is to find someone who doesn't need romance? Dear Lord..anyway, a few questions...

1) Do the characters need to be classified via Dominant x Submissive?

2) Are you up for less lighthearted roleplays? (E.x No slice of life, anime, more heavy themes, etc)

Hope to hear from you!
I know how you feel! Once I posted this I read through a few threads here and saw pairings and romance in every one and was thinking 'oh God what have I done.'

1. You know, I've never actually heard those terms used with RP before. How do you mean, exactly?

2. Absolutely! I'll do pretty much any heavy theme under the sun

Glad I could help you out c:
VariksTheLoyal said:
I know how you feel! Once I posted this I read through a few threads here and saw pairings and romance in every one and was thinking 'oh God what have I done.'
1. You know, I've never actually heard those terms used with RP before. How do you mean, exactly?

2. Absolutely! I'll do pretty much any heavy theme under the sun

Glad I could help you out c:
1) An easy example of Dominate x Submissive would be Kidnapper x Hostage. One has power over the other. I hate it so damned much.

2) Lovely! Shall I PM you?
StoneWolf18 said:
1) An easy example of Dominate x Submissive would be Kidnapper x Hostage. One has power over the other. I hate it so damned much.
2) Lovely! Shall I PM you?
1. OOOH got you! Nope, I'm not too bothered about that at all. I certainly wouldn't deliberately be aiming to do that.

2. Sure thing! I'm actually about to go to sleep rn since it's 1:30am here, but I'll definitely make sure to get back to you once I wake up so we can talk more in depth!
VariksTheLoyal said:
WAIT I think I might be below the ten post/24 hour thing so I'm not sure if you'll be able to PM me?
I can, you just can't start one.

VariksTheLoyal said:
1. OOOH got you! Nope, I'm not too bothered about that at all. I certainly wouldn't deliberately be aiming to do that.
2. Sure thing! I'm actually about to go to sleep rn since it's 1:30am here, but I'll definitely make sure to get back to you once I wake up so we can talk more in depth!
Ah, time zones. Good night! ^^

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