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Looking for a few partners


I take my toxins with two olives.
Hi! My name is Keloryn and I'm looking for a few roleplay partners. I'm a pretty easy going person and I'm fairly flexible as far as settings and plots go. However, I suppose I should lay down a few requirements:

  • Posting: I post anywhere from three to ten paragraphs and usually try and mirror my partner. Sorry, I prefer "advanced" roleplay styles. I won't respond to one-liners and prefer my partner to produce at least 300 words a post.
  • Chatting: I love chatting OOC with my partners. Whether we discuss life, our roleplay, or finger sandwiches, I don't mind. (:
  • Characters: As part of my roleplay style, I thoroughly enjoy character development and the evolution of the character as the story progresses. Generally speaking, I prefer playing male characters, but I can play males and females equally. I can double, but usually prefer only playing one character.
  • Activity: I am a full time med student; however, I will get you at least one post a day. Until classes start again, I will be responding multiple times a day. I will let you know if I will be away from the computer for any extended amount of time and hope you do the same! All I ask is you are able to get me a post at least once a week. More is great, but not necessary.
  • Romance: Aaaa~ I love romance in my roleplays and while I'm not going to say I require it, I generally prefer it to be in my roleplays. That doesn't mean it needs to be the central focus of the story, but I love good old fashion romance. I can play all orientations (MxF, MxM, and FxF).
  • Other: I prefer to roleplay over PM, but if you convince me, I can roleplay over a thread, too.

Here are a few pairings I enjoy! But please, feel free to suggest others you're craving. I'm usually pretty adjustable.

  • Pirate x childhood friend (16th century)
  • Pirate x royal (16th century)
  • Good girl x bad boy (so cliche, but I love it)
  • Poor x rich (modern or historical)
  • Royal x servant
  • Post apocalyptic (zombie, disease, war, or whatever)

Here are the (very few) fandoms I know and am willing to give a go.

  • Borderlands
  • Criminal Minds
  • Walking Dead
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Awesome! I'm really up for anything at the moment, so is there any one in particular that really stood out to you? (:
Hi there!

I would love to do a good girl x bad boy or a post apocalyptic one. I can't send you a conversation message yet (I suppose I'm too new of a member?) otherwise I would have already. Heh.

I was actually just looking at your interest check and was about to post. I'm super thrilled with both of your choices. I will message you as soon as I can. I just passed my ten post requirement and the FAQ says it may take a few minutes for the server to recognise it.
Alrighty, I can wait! I'm not anywhere near ten posts yet so I won't be able to start a private message for a while.
Heh, yea. I'm super glad they do it to reduce spamming; however, it can be frustrating. Anyways, I'll PM you in a few.

Yes, I am. c:

Still looking for a few more partners. ^__^ Again, if you don't see what roleplay you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask.
No problem. I don't want to sound pushy, but try and get to that soon. It's almost 3:00 AM and I don't want to pass out on you xD
Still looking.

Also, to any of my current partners: sorry about the delay in responses! I haven't been able to get on to RPnation for the last thirty or so hours due to work followed by the attack on the site. So, I'm working on getting back to everyone (either roleplay posts or otherwise). Expect a message from me soon.
Hey! We could work together I like most of your ideas (there are a few I won't do) currently I am confined to 3G (curse you sucky wifi provider) so I apologize for the shit little post.

I'm a HUGE criminal minds fan just... FYI

¡on mobile!
I would really like to rp with you. I'm new to this site but I can pull about 4 paragraphs a post. I like to rp over pm too. Would you mind if we discussed a plot there?
Hey! I am interested in the piratexroyal and richxpoor rp

Pm me if your still looking.

I would love to do the pirate x childhood friend, pirate x royal or the good girl x bad boy pairing with you! If you're still looking, of course :)

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