Looking for a few partners again~ (Always open!!)

Forever For Never

Resident Emo
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello everyone! ^^ So I have recently reappeared on this site and I am, of course, looking for more to do. As you may have guessed from the prefix, I'm looking for 1x1's, though I suppose a few small group roleplays wouldn't kill me as long as everyone is active. Before the ideas, I'll lay down some quick rules:

Activity: No one likes it when their partner randomly disappears on them. I probably seem like a hypocrite as I have just returned from a several-week hiatus, but I had to leave due to some various issues in real life. That being said, I'm completely understanding if you have a crisis and cannot be on for however long. Real life happens, but I'd prefer to be alerted beforehand if you can not reply for more than a week. Along with that, I would like a reply at least once every few days, as I'm usually on every day or two. Also, if you do get bored and want to leave the roleplay please just tell me instead of just not replying, I will understand and perhaps we could even start up a new roleplay to replace the old one ^^

OOC: Please don't be shy to talk to me out of chatacter, whether you have a question or suggestion or just want to chat on the side as we roleplay I love talking in OOC.

Post Length: I'm a mirror poster, so I'll usually try to match what your post length is, whether it's a few sentances or 12 paragraphs. That beign said, please do try to give me at least a paragraph, if you give me nothing to work with I find it a bit hard to stay interested in the roleplay >_>

Grammar: I'm not really a grammar nazi and I understand that nobody's perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but please do your best to at least check your spelling and grammar. If there are a few mistakes here and there I won't care, but if it gets to the point where I can't understand what you're saying then I can't reply to it.

Teamwork: I do enjoy having a say in plot and stuff, but if I'm the only one deciding anything the roleplay feels a bit one-sided. Don't be afraid to throw in suggestions or crazy plot twists or anything, roleplays are best when it's a team effort and we can collabarate to create the story.

Romance: I'll be honest--I love a good romanctic roleplay. So most of my ideas are pairings that I hope will eventually grow into a romance. Although I suppose some could be done without the romance, I'm usually much more interested in roleplays that do have it, because I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic ^^"

Roles: As I said in the 'Romance' section above, I would like romance in the roleplays. And as I am a girl, I do prefer playing female roles. WAIT WAIT WAIT DON'T LEAVE YET I'M NOT DONE. However, in the case that my partner wishes to play females as well, I am VERY open to doubling up so that we may both have a female and a male character.

Okay, that's all for the rules! I don't think they were that bad, but if they scared anyone away thank you to those who stayed to read the pairings! Because here they are! :D (* and underlined/italicized is the role I wish to play, so if there's nothing I'm fine with either role)

*Angel x Demon~ This is a pairing that I have always loved, I don't know why but it's just the classic forbidden love thing and I'll love it forever. No current ideas, but I'm always open to your ideas and working a plot out together!

*Human x Demon~ Once again, one of my favorite pairings. I don't think I've ever had a bad experinece with this, and it'll probably always be on my recruitment lists.

Human x Angel~ This one could go several different ways, from a guardian angel and a rebellious human to a good human and an angel that needs help. I have lots of ideas for this ^^

Fallen Angel x Human~ Kinda like the one above, but with a twist! I don't have any specific ideas for this, but I think it could be interesting!

ANY mixture of angels, humans, demons, and fallen angels~ I love all of these pairings, so anything with any two of them calls my name.

Prep x *Anyone~ So this is pretty broad, but I love preppy characters with, well, everyone xD Which is a bit ironic since I'm asking to not play the prep.. But the 'anyone' could be a nerd, loner, new kid, druggie, loser, average person, or even another prep! I imagien this one filled with lots of good high-school drama though, everyone loves high school drama.

Scientist/Scinetist's Child x Experiment/Captured Freak~ This is a bit confusing, but I have several ideas for this one. Maybe a scinetist found a person with strange powers and captured them to observe them, and they or a fellow researcher eventually fell for this person/thing? Or maybe the child of a scientist? On another note, there could've been something, someone, genetically created by a group of scientists. At first it was just a miracle, a thing that was created to be observed. But what happens when it has feelings, thoughts, a personality? What happens when a scientist, or even a child of a scientist observing it falls in love with it? I really want to do this one because I think it could be interesting ^^

Opposties Attract?~ By this I could mean three different things. For one, it could simply be two people who simply have opposite personalities. One likes chocolate best, the other likes vanilla the best. One is a morning person, the other is a night owl. One loves heavy metal, the other enjoys soft classical music. Complete opposites so incompatible that they're compatible... If that makes any sense. Second, there could be two people whose lives and backgrounds, and perhaps even appearances are completely different. Maybe one grew up rich in the heart of the city surrounded by fun and loving family, while the other was raised in the ghetto, from loveless foster house to loveless foster house as they never really knew their parents. Somehow they would meet, and perhaps the more fortunate opposite would take pity on the less fortunate or they would somehow otherwise connect, and despite their vast differences, fall in love. Third gets a bit supernatural. What if there were two people who were complete opposites in every way imaginable? They might even have opposite reactions, like when they're together in public their opposite energies literally create an effect that can perhaps be explosive, endangering themselves or others? Or maybe it's a positive effect, and their opposites soemhow cause them to be more drawn to each other like magnets? Somehow I imagine this third idea ending sadly, but I think it would still be fun, as any of these ideas would be to me.

Soulmates~ This would have to be another definite favorite. Just the whole idea of soulmates, or finding the one that is literally meant to be with you is just... Yes. The hopeless romantic in me is dying of happiness. I know several ways that this could go, though usually it's not as fun without some drama keeping the soulmates apart for whatever reason. I also sometimes like the prospect of one of them already knowing who their soulmate is, but for whatever reason not being able to tell them at first. I don't know, but if you roleplay this with me I'll love you forever, in a non-creepy way ^^

Alright, well that's all my brain can think of right now, but there are tons of other ideas I love so feel free to suggest anything at all! I love hearing ideas, and possibly even mixing a few together! Also, I love love LOVE any kind of pairing that is a forbidden romance where the two lovers cannot be together because of various reasons. Just throwin' that out there. And last but not least, fandoms!! Depending on what it is I may or may not want to do canon characters, but I usually like mixing canons and OCs!



Teen Titans~ My favorite as a kid, and I still love it today... But Teen Titans Go does the amazing original no justice at all. I hated it from the moment Raven began playing with My Little Pony and Robin's greatest quest was making the 'perfect sandwhich'.

Supernatural~ I love this show, though I'll admit that I'm not quite caught up yet so OCs would be preferable.

Code Lyoko~ This was also one of my favorite shows as a kid, and I re-watched like all the episodes a year ago. I'd be fine with canon, OCs, or a mix!

W.I.T.C.H~ Once again, a favorite of mine, I don't think it was that popular, but I know I liked it, so don't judge me >_>


Unwind~ I swear, if you do an Unwind roleplay with me I will love you FOREVER, maybe in a creepy way jsut because of how much I love this book/series. It's by Neal Shusterman and if you haven't read it... Read it now because it's the best thing in existence.

Divergent~ Even if you've just seen the movie (which I'm seeing on Saturday ^^) And haven't read the book, I'll still roleplay with you! I love the whole factions idea.

Mortal Instruments~ I really like the shadowhunters and vampires and mages and fay and werewolves and demons and everything in this series, so I think there could be a very interesting roleplay from it!


Soul Eater~ I've had the idea for a character, meister or weapon, who doesn't have a soul, which would obvoiusly complicate matters of finding a partner. But I think with or without a soulless character this could be a fun roleplay.

Say "I Love You"~ Now I know this is an anime, but I read to where the manga is currently at, and although I don't know exactly how a roleplay could go, perhaps we could do something with OCs kinda similar to the relationship of Mei and Kurosawa, or even just playing around with some canon characters is fien with me.

Black Bird~ I think that this could definitely be interesting, especially with some twists in the later chapters that I won't spoil, but some intense stuff that I think could result in a fun roleplay happen.

DN Angel~ I think this one would be fun maybe with mixed canon and OCs, because perhaps it was a new generation and Dark moved on to a different son? I don't know, but either way I'd like to roleplay this.

InuxBoku SS~ I loved this anime, though I heard the manga gets really sad ;_; But I haven't read ti yet so no spoilers! I think there are different ways that a roleplay could be interesting with this idea.

Well, that's it. I feel like I didn't write that much, but somehow this recruitment thread turned out really long .-. Oh well, if you've managed to read it to the bottom then you can have 25 digital cookies, and I hope there was at least one idea in there that you liked! More might come if I think of something as well! Once again thank you for checking this out, I hope to roleplay with you all in the future and send me a PM or post on this thread if you're interested in a roleplay! ^^
Hey there. I think I have would like to do any mix of angels, humans, demons and fallens angels. I would like to RP a demon or fallen angel. I really like angels and all.
@Chiba Masato Yay!! Well I always have sorts of ideas for soulmates roleplays, but first did you have anything in particular you would be looking for in a soulmates roleplay besides that there would, in all probability, be soulmates in it?

@LyraDark Sounds good! In that case I think I'd like to have a human or angel character, could you send me a PM so we can discuss the details of it?
I would like to possibly try a non romance code Lyoko or teen titans. Pm me if you want to.
lol that is true i would like to make it so that there are so fantasy elements, much like the anime kaze no stigma if you have seen it
All of these sound great! I'd really love to roleplay Mortal Instruments but I don't know if I'd be that great considering I'm only half way through the first book ;;

If not, opposites attract and mixes of angels/demons/humans sound good too c:
@Chiba Masato Fantasy elements are good with me, I love fantasy though I haven't seen Kaze no Stigma. Could you send me a PM so we could discuss details and whatnot?

@fenrls We could probably do a Mortal Instruments roleplay with OCs if you liked since you probably wouldn't know all the characters and whatnot, but of course opposites attract and angels/demons/humans mixed sounds good as well ^^ Could you shoot me a PM so we can figure stuff out?
Hey if you are still looking for a partner I was hoping we could do the scientist/scientist's child x captured freak sounded very interesting I would like to give it a shot
My god somebody else I can talk to about the Unwind trilogy... (the feels of that series...I agree with you. It was something to behold ;u;)

Anyways, I'd love to do a 1x1 of anything with you as well, if you don't mind. Any of the pairings stuff is things I absolutely adore/ can defiantly do! I'm alright playing any gender, helping you come up with any ideas and I also do my best to Mirror post as well.

As for the fandoms...I'm most comfortable with Teen Titans, the Unwind trilogy, and Soul Eater.
Hey! I would love to RP with you! I really like your soulmates idea and would LOVE to do that I have a great character as well as the scientist one and the angles and opposites attract.

Fandoms, I tend to play cannon in these but if you like OCs that is AOKAY

Teen Titans

I agree about Teen Titans go more like teen titans NO


I like to play Cas....


It would be SO cool to do a RP off of this.
I apologize for the late reply everyone, real life's been pretty crazy the past week >_>

@leefirefox Yes, that sounds good! If you would still like to do it, could you send me a PM so we can discuss the details and stuff?

@Raviael YES. You have no idea how happy I am somebody else knows about the Unwind Trilogy, because it's my favoritye thing ever but it's so disappointing since almost no one knows what it is ;_; Well, if it would be alright I'd love to do an Unwind 1x1 of some sort!

@Nerdygeekflower Any of those ideas are good with me, and a W.I.T.C.H. fandom one would be fun I thik, though I've never tried it before.
The scientist thing sounds very, very interesting if you still want more with that one, I have an "experiment" character I've never been able to use
Hello Hello!

I love the ideas of the Prep x Anyone ; Opposites Attract and the Soulmates. (: If you're still looking, I'd love to try out one of the ideas with you! I normally play female roles, but I can play the male if you'd like. ((:
@swampishpetrichor Sounds good, I'll send you a PM now!

@BubbleDiamondz *gasp* Three of my favorite pairings! I do prefer playing females as well, and if you want to just play a male it's fine with me, but if you'd like to have us both play a male and a female character then we could double?
You know what? Supernatural doesn't get enough love. I'd love to do OCs for that with you.

Edit: *cough cough* And after careful consideration, I'd also be hard pressed to say no to Code Lyoko. >_>
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Scientist/Scinetist's Child x Experiment/Captured Freak

Sounds interesting. I'd want to be the latter, though. If you're still open and up for it.

Or Angel x Demon.

I'm cool with being a demon.

I also Roleplay Divergent, Mortal Instruments, {Black Butler (Anime & manga).

I'm fine roleplaying guys or girls.

Actually I'm fine for just about anything.

Pm me if you're interested!
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