Looking for a few 1x1 rpg partners!


New Member
Hello I'm interested in participating with fellow individuals who are seeking a long term 1x1 rpg thats energetic, exciting! I'm a very dedicated roleplayer so you don't have to worry about me dropping out of a 1x1 story, also I post aleast 3-4 times a week. My genres of interest are sci fi, fantasy, supernatural, anime, fandom, superheroes.
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Fantastic choice! Now which anime fandom do you really enjoy participating in, were your character can make a real impact within the already established storyline?
How about No Toksu fandom? It takes place in modern times, its about a secret government organization using cyborgs to hunt down and kill special human beings with amazing abilities. These special humans have been genetically altered by a race of unknown aliens for some unknown conspiracy. Or how about kabuto fandom its about some special constables called demon ravens who fight againts supernatural forces against the first sun emperor of japan.
karasu tengu kabuto? That right? I haven't heard of either of those. But that was the only one I could find. But Kabuto sounds interesting.

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