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Multiple Settings Looking for a descriptive long term rp partner

Royal rot

Hi! My names jamie and I love to write multi paragraphs (or less).
I mostly do oc x canon and I double up on replies if you’re doing a oc x canon side as well.
I’ve had 5 years of rping experience
Currently I’ve been dying to rp the following
Hollow knight,lotr/the hobbit,red dead redemption 2, and legend of Zelda specifically breath of the wilds.
I do work,and I’d like to have an 18+ partner seeing that I’m twenty and I’m not comfortable rping with anyone under the age of 18.
If you’re interested pm me
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Hi Jamie, my name’s Jamie too 😂😂 I just made an account yesterday lol. I was scrolling through & found your post!

Would you possibly still be looking for a LoZ rp partner? I’ve been looking for someone to do a Breath of the Wild rp with :)

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