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Multiple Settings Looking for a couple partners

Mi-Stier Ei

New Member
Hiya! ^-^
I'm Mi-Stier Ei and I'm looking for a partner for long term/short term roleplay! I'm not terribly picky but let me lay down a couple 'rules' or preferences have you, that I'd like to make people aware of before you make up your mind about me.

Cookie-cutter laws
- 18+! I'm personally 25 so it would be extremely awkward for me to try and rp a romantic or dark story with someone younger than 18. I hope you understand.

I really think that is it actually lol!

As far as writing preference goes, I don't have many. Just do your best and I'll do mine. I don't mind post length or grammar personally, as long as I can make sense of what is happening. I usually post around 2-3 paragraphs per post if I have a lot to go off of or if I have a good idea, but don't feel you have to do the same.
I usually play male characters but I don't mind playing female. I do all gender pairings also.
Don't be scared to suggest ideas, or put your idea in for changing an idea! That is the beauty of writing, nothing is set in stone. We are in this together, so I want you to be satisfied as much as I am.

A little about me!
As before mentioned I am 25 and work a full time job. I always work twelve hour days four days a week, so I won't be posting on the days I work, sorry about that. However I will always let you know ahead of time my work schedule so you'll know whether or not to expect anything from me. Feel free to chat with me though, outside of the roleplay. :D I am always on discord! Either for league, or FF14, or just to hangout.

I don't currently have any plots written out or thought of, but I'll go back later and update this thread when I have the willpower to do so. Also, important note about pairings list- it's not my own, its
Ardipithecus's from another website. It basically encompasses everything that I like and I edited to taste. Had to be honest. :<

Teacher x Teacher
Teacher x Student's Parent
Professor x Student
Celebrity x Body Guard
Reclusive Author x Publisher/Editor
Homeless x Wealthy
Upper Class x Servant
Soldier x Nurse
Soldier x Native

Medieval Fantasy& Feudal Japan
Princess x Knight
Prince/ss x Commoner
Princess x Sorceror
Prince/ss x Servant
Prince/ss x Foreign Prince/ss
Prince/ss x Oracle
Prince/ss x Sorceror/ess
Sorceress x Knight
Fairy Queen x Kidnapped Knight/Prince
Princess x Lady in Waiting
Arranged Marriage

Vampire x Mortal
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Mortal
Slayer x Vampire
Slayer x Werewolf
Slayer x Slayer
Demi Goddess x Mortal
Demi God x Mortal
Ghost x Mortal
Immortal x Mortal
Angel x Demon
Angel x Human
Demon x Human
Sorceror x Sorceress
Grim Reaper x Recently Dead
Reincarnated Lovers
Scientist x Experiment
Robot x Human
Alien x Human

Any Time Period!

1) Vampires
2) Werewolves / Shapeshifters
3) Mythical Creatures
4) "Gifted"
5) Superheroes & Villans
6) Time Travelers
7) Futuristic
8) Science Fiction
9) Modernized Greek Pantheon
10) Elementals
11) Genetics Experiments
12) Zombie/Nuclear Apocolypse
13) Fantasy Circus/Theater Troupe
14) Modernized Fairy Tales
15) Dark, Twisted Fairy Tales
16) Modern Made Up Pantheon
17) Biblical Mythology (angel x Demon, angel x mortal, etc)
18) Haunted House
19) Alien Invasion
12) Steampunk
Oooh, I absolutely would love to do any of these with you:
Homeless x Wealthy
Upper Class x Servant
Soldier x Nurse
Soldier x Native
Prince/ss x Commoner
Prince/ss x Servant
Time Travelers

Perhaps we could combine some of these?
Hello! I'm really intrigued by the idea of sorceressxknight or prince. I've got a witch character I could use for that. But I also love royaltyxcommoner pairings.
Also, I'm 20, so I fit your rule.
all of these caught my attention:

Professor x Student​
Celebrity x Body Guard​
Homeless x Wealthy​
Upper Class x Servant​
Vampire x Mortal​
Werewolf x Werewolf​
Werewolf x Mortal​
Werewolves / Shapeshifters​
Superheroes & Villans​
Modernized Greek Pantheon​
Genetics Experiments​
Modernized Fairy Tales​
Dark, Twisted Fairy Tales​
Hey guys! Thanks for replying to the thread! I will send out dms and such when I get home from work tonight, sorry for the delay.
Did you have anything particular in mind for reincarnated lovers and time travellers? I have a plot for the former if you care to hear it.

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