Looking for a 1x1 RP partner~!


Elder Member
Hey there, I'm looking (as the title says) for a 1x1 RP partner! I've kinda been wanting to do a realistic romance thing. Generally I play a female role but I can make a pretty mean man B| (not really mean...I mean I can make an awesome dude) >.> aaaannnnywaaaaaay, I'm just more used to being female (hence my actual gender)

I'm pretty flexible with things though so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears~!
I'd be interested, if this is still 'open' we can PM the details if you're still interested.(:
Coedy said:
I'd be interested, if this is still 'open' we can PM the details if you're still interested.(:
Yeah totally~ But um... .___. sorry if this sounds stupid (I was never taught in the art of abbreviations) but what does "PM" mean?
If you're still up for it I'm interested. I don't have many of my males up at the moment (in fact, I only have one and a half of them in my showcase at all) but if you'd like to peruse who I have right now you're welcome to play with any of my females. Failing that, I'll have my boys up in my showcase soon too. I'm hoping to have them up by the end of the week. If anyone catches your eye please let me know!

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