Looking for a 1x1 partner.


New Member
Hello, I am new on this site, though I have roleplayed on several other sites. I'm am rather shy and get lost in a crowd, so I was hoping to try a 1x1 roleplay. The story will be fantasy and will be set in medieval times. It will be an adventure roleplay with a bit of romance. I wish to play the male, but can play the girl if you would like. That is all I have for the story so far, so we can come up with the rest together. I don't mind playing several characters or having two to three people involved, though I would prefer to keep the group small. I would expect at least a paragraph written everyday, though I do understand if life gets in the way and you can't post.
Im in the same boat as you, Im new to this site but I have an rp going on with a friend we've had going for 3 years now. If you'd like to discuse an rp with me I'd be more then happy to try my best and make sure we both have a fun experiance. I would, like you, prefer a 1x1 style and i love fantasy! So just send me a message if you feel up to discussing a possible rp together.
Nope. Well, I would prefer if it were high fantasy, so no vampires and werewolves, but that would be it.
well to ask a relevent question, where would the settings be exactly?

and is there a limit on the characters... and my computer seems to be off today so ignore small errors please.

I'm really interested with your idea!

I can either role play as a male or female, so it's not a problem.

If you're still looking for a RP partner, please feel free to message me. /But I'll try to check this thread everyday ^^/

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