Looking For a 1x1 Partner


One Time Luck
Hello everyone!

I'm Millie, short for Millicent, and I am new to this site, but not new to roleplaying.

I've been RPing in a different site, but it gradually died down due to other members leaving, or taking a break from it. Unfortunately for me, my thirst for RP isn't quite quenched just yet.

So, I am here to look for a partner, or two, to roleplay with me!

I'm interested in almost anything and everything! I can't do Fandom's though, and animal-type RPs.

I do have a group RP in mind, it needs just a bit of work. It is of the Supernatural type.

If anyone is looking for a partner, please message me! I'm open to new ideas, or existing ones that you have!

What I look for in a partner is:

-Literacy: Mistakes are alright, but not too much of it. I don't require you to type a bunch of paragraphs and such, all I want is content. It doesn't matter if you have two or three, as long as I can work with it. Also, no one-liners please! Those are difficult to deal with. :)


So far, that's all I really look for. :) Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any ideas! I'd love to RP right now.

Thanks a bunch!
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
What ideas do you have?
Sadly, I do not have any ideas for a 1x1 RP just yet. Maybe you do? What I do have an idea for is a group RP. [ My last successful RP before the site I was on died. ] If you're interested in a group RP, I can link you to a mini page I made for it. :) Otherwise, I'm open to any ideas for a 1x1.
I don't have any.. Well.. I really don't know what would spark your interest.. I do wanna do a romance.. Like medieval plot with magic and stuff.. But.. I don't have one.. And, I would totally love to check out your group RP. ^^
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
I don't have any.. Well.. I really don't know what would spark your interest.. I do wanna do a romance.. Like medieval plot with magic and stuff.. But.. I don't have one.. And, I would totally love to check out your group RP. ^^
Oh, I'd love a medieval romance as well! Maybe we can make up a plot for one? Please message me? I can give you the link there as well. Thanks. :)
I have some basic rp ideas in the information tab on my profile page we could work with if you're still looking for partners! :)

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