~Looking for 1x1s~


New Member
Hey, hello, I'm Fluor. A quick glance to the left would prove me as a new member to this site, however, I'm happy to say I've had plenty of experience with RPing. On to the info you'll probably be interested in, yes?


Length depends on what I'm given. I can keep up with those of you who enjoy more than five paragraphs, but am also just fine with a single paragraph. No one liners, or posts that have no real content please, I need something to work with if I'm going to stay interested.

Normally, I get a few posts in daily, but keep in mind that I'm human. Likewise, I won't get pushy or mad if you need some time, though let me know if you've lost interest. No hard feelings.


I have no issues with gore or violence, as long as the RP stays on track. Same goes for romance, though I'd prefer romance not to be instant. Keep it more realistic, romantic, rather than a just love at first sight type of deal. As for both, I'm fine with it being mature, as long as we don't break any site rules. Messaging or email is fine. I'm really looking for MxM right now, but I'll consider other gender pairings.


Warm, happy, slice of life type romances.

Dark and violent story lines. (American Horror Story inspired for follow fans.)

Post apocalyptic. (Not necessarily zombies, I can give more detail in anyone's interested.)

Fandom/Fanfics. (BBC Sherlock in particular, ask about any others. Anime as well.)

Generic 'superpower' or 'boarding school' scenarios.

Won't do: (Sorry)

Animal. (Wings, tails, ears, ect.,


ok in moderation.)

Slave/master type of thing.

One sided angst. (When the entire RP is my character consoling yours. Hurting is fine is it's at least partially shared.)

Anyhow, that's about it, hope you liked at least one vague idea. As they are vague, message me or post below if you're interested, and we can work out a plot.
Hello! I would love to roleplay with you. Perhaps something slice of life, post apocalyptic, or boarding school.
I'm all for a slice of life type of rp! MxM is perfectly fine with me as well. PM me?
All your ideas sound pretty interesting. PM me. I usually do FxF, but if you don't want to do it, it's okay with me.
Sure, it'll take me a little while to get started (since I have a few character sheets to make), but I'd love to. ^^ I'll message you~

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