Looking for 1x1


One Time Luck
Hi, my name is Kootenay and I am new to RpNation.

I'm looking for someone who will do a 1x1 role play with me. I haven't done this for years, but it recently became part of my life again : )

I promise to post at least once a day (hopefully you can too!) and I do like to receive and leave a decent post (at least a paragraph or two, but I do understand writers block) I would love to hear from you, any ideas you might have for a role play.


I actually just started craving a forest role play. With children, does that interest you? The children aren't born in the forest they were left there at a very young age and managed to survive. They find each other at some point and it can go from there. Any ideas to add if you are still interested? There could be an alien race living in the forest if that sparks your interest.

Get better soon,

Thanks for the reply too!
Yeah. It sounds interesting to me. Also I can play a female character if you like
Okay, well do you have anymore to add to the plot? If not, you can take the first post and maybe add a bit about your character.
I'd love to roleplay with you! I love 1x1 roleplays, so whenever you feel like, just message me and we can start one! :D

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