Looking for 1x1 Slice of Life Partner! :)


New Member
Disregard the newbie status! I am an avid writer and roleplayer on THREE sites!

One is playing a cruel late April fools day joke, and shut down the RP forums. :(

Most ideas -can- be turned into femmeslash, but I do prefer how I have it set out. :)

I don't have many ideas for an RP. But, here are some loose plots.

Also, I really prefer playing the girl.

1. She's looked down on, all because of two summers ago when she fell victim to rape and is raising the child all on her own. She works late from her one bedroom apartment, collects food stamps from the WIC program. But, it isn't enough. Soon she has to quit school to work at a diner, and he (your charrie) wonders why she isn't around. Her best friend is caring for the child that night, who's only 1 and 1/2. Telling him she's at the diner around the corner, working. But, what he does't expect is that she's a mess. Disheveled and she's completely exhausted.

Name: Krystal Louise Willow

Age: 18 (Senior)

Personality: She's upbeat, when you can get her to be that is. It takes a lot for her to trust someone, and she is VERY protective over her daughter Alyss.

http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/107404/107404,1274026803,7/stock-photo-portrait-of-beautiful-young-girl-with-long-black-hair-53187334.jpg'> Her.

http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?searchterm=two+year+old+girl&search_group=〈=en&search_source=search_form#id=56532838&src=5B1CD1FC-9BCB-11E2-8A96-22571472E43D-1-18'> Her Daughter, Alyss.

2. When the going gets rough, the tough get going. (ROMANCE)

Element and __ are fed up with the way that their foster parents treat them. They've had to live as foster siblings for as long as they can remember, and since they aren't blood. It's okay that they want to be together, right? But with Element only being 16, and ____ being a legal adult. There's another reason it can't work. Are they going to let age and living situations stop them from their love? Maybe it's time to flee.

Element Kae Rose


She's upbeat, loves to laugh, and loves to curl up and cuddle with ______-


3. Percy Jackson Alt. Universe OC/OC

Two demigods must unite us one,

To rescue love from the clutches of bad. (Hyperion, who escaped from torture.)

Through storms and showers they must travel,

To the land of ice with no peace beside them. (Alaska)

Into the clutches of the evil force.

They will lose hope and find friendship hard.

Together they must start, together they must stay, or else the quest will end in a death.

(credits here.. http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/717738-quests-ideas)

Yeah, so... Any other ideas you have, let me know! :D
ok so like yeah.could like i me myself be your you partner!:smile 2:

then like tell me and watever
well hear is a thought how about like there is to people and they HATE each other but they do all the same things so they see each other a lot and they become like super good friends and whatever.:smile 2:(what do you think about that?)
Jojo is interested! Message me! I will gladly role play with you! You choose, all your ideas are great!

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