Looking for 1x1 RP partners


New Member

Like my introduction, I'll try to make this short (Oops.. and failed >>) as well. Mh. I'll start with some info about me as a role-player so I won't waste your time if you don't like my ways. :P

I like:

* Well-rounded and realistic characters. I love love love developing characters. I don't expect you to spend ages on creating one, but some effort being put in would be nice.

* ...Romance. Don't run awaaaay! I don't mean the insta-romance kind. I mean the kind that develops naturally. Whether that's quick or not, well, that depends highly on the characters doesn't it? (: And if it doesn't, then it doesn't. We could always bring in other characters, but let's not force anything alright? :/

* MxM, FxF. Right now I'm only interested in role playing either MxM or FxF. It's just more interesting to me.

* Short posts. No, I don't mean one-liners. I mean... posts of about one or two 100 words paragraph(s) long.

* Keeping it casual. I'm not a professional writer, and I role play for fun. So... I'll try to keep it to a minimum of course, but please forgive me if I make some mistakes. D:

I don't like:

* God-modding & Power Play. I tend to exit rrreally quickly if this comes into play.

* Being pressured for posts. Being pressured for posts is very not cool, and I wouldn't pressure anyone either. Reminders are fine whenever necessary, but DEMANDS are not.

Alright, I probably forgot stuff, but those are the most important ones I could think of atm.

Now on to the good stuff! The stuff I wanna role play! I'll divide it into three subcategories: settings I like, pairings I like, and ideas.

Settings I like: Modern Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Modern (realistic), Futuristic. Eheh. This is kinda broad. Right now my interests mostly go out to high school/college settings (realistic or fantasy) and post-apocalyptic (zombies or otherwise) settings. I'm also a huuuuuuuge Mass Effect and Star Trek fan. So anything similar to that with pretty spaceships will always be fine!

Pairings I like: Here, have a list.

*Opposites attract (in any form, shape, or way. <3)

* Love or friendship between enemies (in any form, shape, or way. <3)

* Fantasy creature x human (in any form, shape, or way. On the condition that the fantasy creature is somewhat humanoid... xD )

* Popular x loner/alternative (and basically any other pairing where two people from different cliques or layers of society get together or become friends)

Ideas. Alright, I'm all about simple ideas right now, so have some.

Idea 1: There's this new guy/gal at school. (S)he's a trouble maker, and got kicked out of various different schools already. At his/her new school (s)he's is already repeating the pattern and quickly failing the grade. Enter a tutor who's given the task to reign the guy/gal in and try to achieve the impossible: keeping the new guy/gal in check.

Idea 2: There's a popular jock/cheerleader, who develops feelings for someone outside of their clique. Someone who's not popular. And worst of all? Someone of their gender. Oh dear, oh dear. Hell would break loose if anyone found out, yet they can't stay away.

Idea 3: .. Yeah, this is not much of an idea yet. But I'd like to play an rp with a group of survivors during a zombie apocalypse. We can discuss the details together, and make things up as we go.
The second idea seems really interesting... Do you mind doing more than one of the same RP?
I really like the sound of the first one! So, I'll gladly do that one with you! :)

I'm still new to role playing though...aha

The third idea sounds great as well. A lot of my friends and I bring out zombie apocalypse scenarios during normal every day conversation so it would be fun to try :)
If you're still looking for partners, I'd gladly do either one or two with you ^_^ I've also got a few ideas of my own I could throw out there if you wanted something different. We like a lot of the same stuff lol Except zombies >.> I don't like zombies.

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